The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
45.0 h
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
Competency 2 - Know and orchestrate the technical, creative and marketing aspects of digital projects in organisational communication. Learning Outcomes : 1. Know the main principles of the architecture, operation and security of computer networks and social network technologies of an organisation, as well as the main computer technologies. 3. Know the characteristics, opportunities and constraints of the different digital channels; integrate them in a logical way in a communication plan. 4. Know the techniques and methods for optimising the referencing, reputation and running of online communities. 6. Combine 'online' and 'offline' communication modes in any communication strategy in an optimal manner. Competency 3 - Develop a digital culture for the organisation which mobilises management, teams and partners in communication strategies and projects. Learning Outcomes : 1. Advise the organisation's decision-making bodies on the challenges and issues at the crossroads of communication and digital innovations (communication objectives and strategies, communication as a managerial lever, the organisation's digital transformation, etc.). Competency 4 - Mobilise and produce knowledge in communication strategy and digital culture in a substantiated and methodical manner, as part of a critical reflection or research project. Learning Outcomes : 2. Based on multidisciplinary knowledge, develop a critical and substantiated reflection on digital technologies and their human and societal issues. 6. Update one’s knowledge and practices by implementing methods and techniques to monitor communication and digital trends and innovations. |
The course develops four main themes i) computer networks (set of computers connected together by wired or wireless links, and transmitting information in the form of digital data) and ii) information systems (set of elements/ components participating in the management, storage, processing, transport, exchange and representation of information within an organization) as well as their implementation in the context of iii) digital social networks and iv) networks of connected objects (Internet of Things).
The course presents and details these themes in order to provide
Part 0 : Introduction
The course presents and details these themes in order to provide
- the methodological and practical knowledge, supported by exercises, reading of articles and demonstrations, that are necessary for the understanding, the design and the management of an information system.
- the essential tools for specifying a communications strategy on digital social networks (private/public company, association, institution, etc.).
- the base concepts for writing a technical report in which a critical reasoning is formulated in relation to the adoption/choice of a technology or application in relation to the course.
Part 0 : Introduction
- General presentation of information systems, their purposes and roles from the technical and socioeconomic points of views.
- Explore the concept of information system, its components and its types in order to analyze more precisely the mechanisms of exchange and transport of information by means of its network component.
- Components, functions/reference models (OSI, hour-glass) and main protocols (Ethernet, TCP/IP, HTTP, DNS)
- Types of networks: local (data centers, enterprise/industrial, etc.), access (radio/mobile/non-wired, wired access) and global/remote (Internet), and their interconnections (switch, router)
- Communication/operation mode: peer-to-peer, client-server (2-tier), gateway (3-tier, n-/multi-tier)
- Services and providers: Internet/connectivity, content, web service, cloud service (storage, computing, platform/container, etc.)
- Main functions: i) secure exchange (collection and distribution/dissemination) of information, ii) storage and processing of information and iii) management and security of information -and- technological solutions/alternatives
- Information coding, digital data and main data models (relational, entity-relation, object-oriented, graph)
- Introduction to big data and data mining
- Architecture of big data systems/platforms (including data storage/hosting and processing)
- Foundational and fundamental concepts
- Critical presentation of various stakes (socioeconomic, cultural, institutional, security, etc.) and Specification of a communication strategy on digital social networks (private/public company, association, institution, etc.)
- Infrastructure and technological solutions
- Concrete examples of developing and putting into practice a communication strategy on digital social networks
- Foundational and fundamental concepts
- Interactions between physical and digital world: sensors and actuators
- Infrastructure and technological solutions
- Concrete examples of application (e.g., context of smart cities)
Teaching methods
Course : 15 modules of 3 hours
Teaching methods include:
Teaching methods include:
- Lecture (2 hours): presents the numerous architectural concepts, models and operating principles, technological alternatives/solutions, etc. while encouraging students to have as much interaction as possible.
- Practicum (1 hour): alternately, carrying out practical/formative exercises or reading/analyzing specialized articles and group discussions to understand the relationships between the concepts presented and anchor them in concrete terms students.
- Project: to be carried out by group in order to mobilize and deepen the course material, practical knowledge and know-how taught during class lectures.
- the course material (slides);
- the various resources (articles, references, case studies, etc.) whose consultation is requested/ recommended;
- self-evaluation tests (MCQ type);
- and group work/project submissions (presentations and reports).
Evaluation methods
First exam session:
- Written exam (50%) covering all the concepts previously communicated and presented in the course material.
- Presentation of group work (50%; grade for which students evaluate other groups as well as themselves).
- Oral exam (50\%) covering all of the concepts previously communicated and presented in the course material.
- If the presentation of the group work is rated < 10/20 (otherwise the rating obtained for the first session is maintained, without the possibility of improving it): individual work to be submitted in the form of 'a written report whose structure is imposed and having the same objectives as the group work which is carried out during the first session (50%).
- Une bibliographie complète est intégrée au support de cours sur Moodle.
- Une bibliographie spécifique est mise a disposition en début de chaque partie du cours.
- A complete bibliography is integrated into the course material available on Moodle.
- A specific bibliography is made available at the start of each part of the course.
Faculty or entity