Internship in communication strategy

bcomu2116  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Internship in communication strategy
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
13.00 credits
Q1 and Q2

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

Skill 1 - Develop communication strategies which integrate the various aspects of digital culture.
Learning outcome:

1. Critically analyse the communication of an organisation, taking into account its sector of activity and its social, cultural, technological, economic, political and legal context.
2. Define the objectives and establish a communication strategy in line with the organisation's strategy by including the qualities of interaction, participation and collaboration of the digital culture in an optimal manner.
3. Design, implement, and distribute innovative, sustainable and inclusive communication projects within the organisation's digital ecosystem.
4. Ensure that the legal, ethical and deontological nature of the organisation's communication practices is respected; consider its human, economic and technical resources and constraints while establishing any communication strategy.
5. Mobilise the most appropriate communication project evaluation processes; interpret evaluation data – including user feedback – with good judgment; take appropriate corrective action and pass it on.
6. Design and implement strategic monitoring systems; mobilise the monitoring results to manage change and guide innovation in the organisation's communication tools, practices and strategies.
Skill 2 - Know and orchestrate the technical, creative and marketing aspects of digital projects in organisational communication.
Learning outcome:
1. Know the main principles of the architecture, operation and security of computer networks and social network technologies of an organisation, as well as the main computer technologies.
2. Know the tools, methods and aesthetic principles of the scripting, writing, editing and gamification of digital content.
3. Know the characteristics, opportunities and constraints of the different digital channels; integrate them in a logical way in a communication plan.
4. Know the techniques and methods for optimising the referencing, reputation and running of online communities.
5. Master the main techniques and methods of data collection, storage, processing and visualisation.
6. Combine 'online' and 'offline' communication modes in any communication strategy in an optimal manner.
Skill 3 - Develop a digital culture for the organisation which mobilises management, teams and partners in communication strategies and projects.
Learning outcome:
1. Advise the organisation's decision-making bodies on the challenges and issues at the crossroads of communication and digital innovations (communication objectives and strategies, communication as a managerial lever, the organisation's digital transformation, etc.)
2. Justify, defend and promote communication projects, particularly with decision-making bodies, from their creation to final reporting (including user feedback).
3. Organise cooperation, collaboration and participation regarding communication projects, within the framework of a hybrid and evolving work organisation; encourage the sharing of information, experiences and innovations regarding communication projects.
4. Implement a project and team management method based on digital collaboration techniques, rapid adaptation to endogenous and exogenous changes, and awareness of sustainability and inclusiveness issues.
5. Initiate and support the creation of partnerships by integrating diverse cultural rationales, including at an international level.
6. Identify new professional needs in communication created by the evolution of society and digital technologies; initiate new practices or new professions to meet these new needs.
Skill 4 - Mobilise and produce knowledge in communication strategy and digital culture in a substantiated and methodical manner, as part of a critical reflection or research project.
Learning outcome:
1. Possess thorough knowledge of the main theoretical and methodological approaches to research on communication and digital culture.
2. Based on multidisciplinary knowledge, develop a critical and substantiated reflection on digital technologies and their human and societal issues.
3. Conduct an original research project, using a variety of well-chosen theoretical, methodological and technological resources.
4. Report on research and its results in a clear, coherent and structured manner, both in writing and orally, in accordance with the requirements of academic communication.
5. Based on research findings, make recommendations for the organisation's communication strategy and/or design new communication tools or practices.
6. Update one’s knowledge and practices by implementing methods and techniques to monitor communication and digital trends and innovations.
The internship aim to meet a maximum of the competencies (skills) expected at the end of the master's programme.
It is part of the student's master's programme. As such, it gives the opportunity to learn new things and to put into practice those acquired during the master's courses.
The internship is also an opportunity to:
  • observe, experiment, implement and carry out reflective, critical and constructive work on the experience;
  • gradually gather information and data useful for the intermediate and final productions that make up the assessment;
  • ask questions about the skills they have acquired and their professional identity.
The internship lasts a minimum of 8 weeks full-time (+/- 280 hours).
It must take place during the period of teaching activities at the establishment (from +/- mid-September to +/- mid-May). It is governed by an agreement issued by the institution and approved by the teacher in charge of the activity.
In order to be assessed in session 1, it cannot start after 31/03/2025.
To be assessed in session 2, it must end no later than the end of 04/07/25.
The placement is governed by an agreement issued by the institution and approved by the teacher in charge of the activity. The placement does not begin until the placement agreement has been signed and approved by the teacher supervising the placement at the institution.
The student carries out an internship in an organisation of his/her choice (company, association, administration, consultancy agency, social mobilisation place, etc.).
This internship offers the student an opportunity to actively participate in the work of the host organisation, to compare the theory he/she has studied with workplace practice and to reflect on the skills he/she has have learnt.
During the internship, the student actively collaborates in activities that are specific to the master's programme. He/she must be able to develop strategic skills during the day-to-day activities, but also through a specific digital communication project or activity (design, implementation, evaluation, etc.). This must be specified in the agreement.  
Moreover, while actively participating in the activities of the place of work placement, the student will progressively collect the information and observation datas that will be the basis of the realisations of:
  • a work on an inspiring collaborative practice (ICP) OR on a digital cultural component (DCC) discovered during the internship and inherent to the specificities of the master's programme (oral presentation and written production).
  • a final report on this professional immersion carried out in an analytical and critical manner (written production).
The integrated work placement may be linked with the master thesis and may also find a resonance within the « Workshop in digital culture: interdisciplinary explorations ».
Teaching methods
  • Class-group and sub-group seminar
  • Work placement (internship)
The learning process is iterative. It alternates between fieldwork, individual follow-up (meetings and interviews) and sub-group seminars. Critical reflection is encouraged at every stage.
It also covers recommended methods, including the sharing of experience (sharing between students in internship), field observation, justified critical analysis, report writing and assessment (mid-term and end of the internship period)
Specific supports available online:
  • Internship agreement
  • Fiches relating to the expected productions (guide to questions and instructions)
  • Evaluation form for the internship supervisor
Evaluation methods
The grade is set by the teacher on the basis of:
  • the student's professional practice (internship visit and formative evaluation by the internship supervisor 30%)
  • reflective and critical work on an inspiring collaborative practice (ICP) OR on a digital cultural component (NCC) (oral presentation and written production: 25%)
  • the final assessment (written production: 45%)
The written productions to be evaluated are confidential. Only the teacher and, in the event of an appeal, the bodies that should deal with it will have access to them.
Oral and written productions are evaluated on substance and form.
All work is original. Students are expected to comply scrupulously with the rules and good practice of citation, referencing and non-plagiarism.
The use of generative AI is accepted as long as it is occasional and limited, unless otherwise stipulated by the teacher and/or assistant. In all cases, the use of AI must be explicitly stated. Any part of the work or presentation that relies in any way on generative AI must be clearly identified (e.g. by a footnote) specifying which generative AI tool was used and how it was used in the part concerned.
Very great care must be taken when "reusing" personal or group work produced as part of any EU course. Exceptionally, such an approach may be envisaged provided that the student (1) requests permission from the teacher and/or assistant, (2) justifies this 're-use' in the context of the work, which, as a whole, must obviously constitute an original contribution in relation to the first work, and (3) scrupulously applies the rules of citation and referencing to any use of this work. Failure to comply with these rules may be considered an irregularity (self-plagiarism).
Failure to apply the above rules may result in academic and/or disciplinary action for plagiarism and/or irregularity, in accordance with the General Study and Examination Regulations
Criteria for success
  • The EU is worth 13 credits. Success is 10/20.
  • The internship only starts once the agreement has been signed and validated by the teacher supervising the activity within the school.
  • Attendance must be in accordance with the agreement. Non-delivery of the expected written productions, absence from presentations or a high percentage of absences during internship, whether justified or not, may give rise to a score of 0/20.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Communication Strategy and Digital Culture (shift schedule)