Personnal, family and matrimonial agreement law + Exercise sessions with casus

bhddr1314  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Personnal, family and matrimonial agreement law + Exercise sessions with casus
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
8.00 credits
60.0 h + 9.0 h

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

Programmed in the third year programme of the Bachelor of Law, the “law of persons and family law” course has two aims: to provide a general training to law students in a particular discipline of positive law; and, as a third year course of the bachelor of Law, to continue to develop a proper legal competence allowing students to apprehend in a precise, rigorous and in-depth manner the meaning and scope of certain rules of law. This course, will therefore be presented from a double angle: - On one hand, to allow the student to learn and assimilate the rules of positive Belgian law in the principal subjects of law of persons and family law; - On the other hand, to initiate the student to the understanding of the main issues by the evolutions which affect the status of the individual human being as well as the family and emotional relationships; .
Tutorials serve two purposes :
On the one hand, it gives students the opportunity to learn family law through contacts with the legal practice of the assistant himself, as well as through the analysis of selected at their disposal. This is a practical initiation of the sources and acts specific to the branch of law concerned.
On the other hand, it enables students to develop their ability to construct a critical legal reasoning related to a court decision proposed by the assistant.
From this second angle, tutorials enable students to:
• develop mastery of legal methodology: research and treatment of legal sources, structuring of a text, footnotes and bibliographical references.
• think in terms of law: identify a legal question and provide a clear and precise answer ; read, understand and analyze legal texts; be able to handle legal language; develop the sense of criticism,
• develop their ability to express themselves orally and personally on a legal subject, during discussions with the assistant and among classmates;
• learn to manage time, in particular to respect deadlines with external constraints such as typing, number of pages or bibliographic searches.
This course is named: “Law of persons, family and matrimonial regime law”. Indeed, it studies the rules of law that govern on the one hand the status of a human person and on the other hand the organization of family relationships. This course is made up of four distinct parts: - A general introduction - Part I : legal status of the human person - Part II : Couples
- Part III : Children
Tutorial sessions : The practical work consists of writing a case note. The legal decision to be commented has to be current.
Teaching methods
As a basic course in the third year of Bachelor, the law of persons and family law course will be taught primarily as a lecture, that is to say, a presentation of the essential and minimal knowledge of the discipline taught by teachers both in oral sessions and through "syllabi" made available to the students.
Lecture notes are available to students, as well as PowerPoint slides. The latter complement the former.
It must be emphasized that the examination material is everything that is contained in the written notes submitted by the professors and not just what would have been "said" in class. Students are therefore asked to study the notes provided by the professors in Moodle and not just the notes they would have taken in class or notes from their peers.
Tutorial sessions : the sessions are organized in different stages in order to allow the assistant to mark out the progression of the students. From the beginning of the course, the students have at their disposal the specifications manual, setting out the procedure to follow and providing bibliographical references. An intermediate stage invites the students to hand in a status report (a review of the research that has already been done), which will enable the assistant to adjust the direction taken by the student. Throughout the tutorial sessions, the probationary lecturer will be available each week to answer any relevant questions from the students and also for the teachers to assess the students' work. Finally, the tutorials will end with a correction session, which allows a positive assessment of the work achieved. The tutorials require the compliance with the instructions included in the specifications manual which contains a detailed evaluation grid.
Evaluation methods
The knowledge and competences acquired during the lecture, through the lecture notes written by the two professors of the course and also through individual work of reading and comprehension of texts made available for the students in the syllabus I, will be assessed during the exam period in a written examination.

During the correction of the written examination, special attention will be paid both to the students' capacity to express themselves with rigour, clarity and precision while explaining the rules of law.

During the entire examination, the students may refer to the legal and statutory texts, which are allowed at the examination. These documents cannot contain any annotations but can be underlined or highlighted by the students. Only limited numbered references will be accepted, without any other handwritten annotation.

Tutorial sessions : when the practical work is finalised, the students are marked out of 20 points.
The evaluation criteria are:
1) As for the form:
a. Style ;
b. Spelling;
c. Presentation / clarity;
d. Legal methodology (footnotes and bibliographical references)
2) As to the substance:
a. Relevance and completeness of legal sources;
b. Treatment of legal sources;
c. Structure and plan;
d. Quality of treatment (analysis, accuracy, precision, thoroughness and logic)
e. Extent of the work
f. Capacity for synthesis
g. Personal reasoning.
Other information
Course notes made available to students prior to the course via Moodle.

Tutorial sessions :
Writing a case note involves to use different sources, which can be researched in the library (legislation, doctrine, case law). Reference to course notes is prohibited
Voir le vadecum fourni sur Moodle dans l’introduction du cours.
Voir le cahier des charges afférent au travail pratique.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Law (shift schedule)