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5.00 credits
30.0 h
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1) To learn the objective facts related to the contemporary history of international migration in Europe, and in particular in Belgium (socio-economic, demographic data) 2) To appropriate the theoretical tools specific to the field of study: analysis models of intercultural relations and migration phenomena, vocabulary associated with the different paradigms (assimilation, integration, citizenship, interculturalism, universalism/multiculturalism, internal/external interethnic border, racialisation, majorities/minorities, ethno-cultural awareness, intersectionality, gender of globalisation, etc.). 3) To develop a capacity for critical reading, for deconstructing media-political categories (ideological process of labelling and stigmatisation) |
(1) Concepts: Emergence of immigration sociology from the School of Chicago, Late emergence of a European sociology (especially French) of immigration: predominance of the structural analysis of class relations (immigration / capitalist exploitation), illegitimacy of the object of study; Theoretical renewals in the United States (racial frontier, ethnicity, etc.); Sociological issues of "integration" (in work, at school), racism and discriminations - as part of national models of intra-European immigration policy (see point 2.); Knowledge and transnational social movements located at the intersection of “race”, gender and class.
Discussed authors among the following: Thomas/Znaniecki; Park/Burgess; Wirth; Frazier; Gordon; Glazer-Moynihan; Portes et Zhou; Noiriel; Schnapper; Sayad; Balibar/Wallerstein; Rex; Tripier; De Wenden; Costa-Lascoux; Beaud/Pialoux; De Rudder; Fassin; Van Zanten; Barth;Poutignat et Streiff-Fenart; Juteau; Bastenier; Bertheleu; Tersigni; Crenshaw; Bilge; Dorlin; Haraway; Palomares/Testenoire; Falquet; etc.
(2) Factual entries, state managements: European Policies of immigration / integration and "transnational" citizenship; data (socio-economic, demographic) on contemporary migration in Europe, especially in Belgium; state of affairs on immigration and integration studies in French-speaking Belgium; overview of the research in Flanders.
Discussed authors among the following: Entingen ; Castles ; Koopmans/Passy ; Ilke Adam, ULB ; Matéo Alaluf, ULB ; Mathieu Bietlot, ULB ; Fabienne Brion, UCL ; Felice Dassetto, UCL ; Nadia Fadil, KUL ; Pascale Jamoulle, UCL ; Estelle Krzeslo, ULB ; Ural Manço, FUSL ;Altay Manço ; Marco Martiniello, ULG ; Anne Morelli, ULB ; Nouria Ouali, ULB ; Andrea Rea, ULB ;Margarita Sanchez, ULB ; Fabienne Scandella ; etc.
(3) Controversies / perspectives
Reflections on the tension between the "immigration - political / media concern " and "immigration-object of study" of social sciences;
Interest in political news topics: Diversity of national policies for managing migration flows (quota system, points policy, "chosen" immigration, demographic necessity to re-open borders...).
For example, suggested enlightenment through the analysis of the de facto correlation between neoliberalism and illegal immigration;
(F. Brown, 2006)
Significance of the analysis of social interrelationships: impossibility to separate unequal relations between men and women from other dominations - class / race.
For example, proposed approach to the globalisation phenomenon as it is built on and reinforces the gendered power relations (immigration and care);
(J. Falquet, Hirate H. et al, 2010)
Another example, proposed analysis of African-American feminist movements ("Black feminism") born from a self-differentiation from American feminism criticised for its "white solipsism." (E. Dorlin, 2008)
Interest for the issue of intercultural relations within social intervention practices.
For example, proposal to focus on the role of interculturalism within the aid relationship between social workers and youth born of 2nd/3rd generation of Moroccan migrants in Brussels. (U. Manço, 2012; A. Manço)
Discussed authors among the following: Thomas/Znaniecki; Park/Burgess; Wirth; Frazier; Gordon; Glazer-Moynihan; Portes et Zhou; Noiriel; Schnapper; Sayad; Balibar/Wallerstein; Rex; Tripier; De Wenden; Costa-Lascoux; Beaud/Pialoux; De Rudder; Fassin; Van Zanten; Barth;Poutignat et Streiff-Fenart; Juteau; Bastenier; Bertheleu; Tersigni; Crenshaw; Bilge; Dorlin; Haraway; Palomares/Testenoire; Falquet; etc.
(2) Factual entries, state managements: European Policies of immigration / integration and "transnational" citizenship; data (socio-economic, demographic) on contemporary migration in Europe, especially in Belgium; state of affairs on immigration and integration studies in French-speaking Belgium; overview of the research in Flanders.
Discussed authors among the following: Entingen ; Castles ; Koopmans/Passy ; Ilke Adam, ULB ; Matéo Alaluf, ULB ; Mathieu Bietlot, ULB ; Fabienne Brion, UCL ; Felice Dassetto, UCL ; Nadia Fadil, KUL ; Pascale Jamoulle, UCL ; Estelle Krzeslo, ULB ; Ural Manço, FUSL ;Altay Manço ; Marco Martiniello, ULG ; Anne Morelli, ULB ; Nouria Ouali, ULB ; Andrea Rea, ULB ;Margarita Sanchez, ULB ; Fabienne Scandella ; etc.
(3) Controversies / perspectives
Reflections on the tension between the "immigration - political / media concern " and "immigration-object of study" of social sciences;
Interest in political news topics: Diversity of national policies for managing migration flows (quota system, points policy, "chosen" immigration, demographic necessity to re-open borders...).
For example, suggested enlightenment through the analysis of the de facto correlation between neoliberalism and illegal immigration;
(F. Brown, 2006)
Significance of the analysis of social interrelationships: impossibility to separate unequal relations between men and women from other dominations - class / race.
For example, proposed approach to the globalisation phenomenon as it is built on and reinforces the gendered power relations (immigration and care);
(J. Falquet, Hirate H. et al, 2010)
Another example, proposed analysis of African-American feminist movements ("Black feminism") born from a self-differentiation from American feminism criticised for its "white solipsism." (E. Dorlin, 2008)
Interest for the issue of intercultural relations within social intervention practices.
For example, proposal to focus on the role of interculturalism within the aid relationship between social workers and youth born of 2nd/3rd generation of Moroccan migrants in Brussels. (U. Manço, 2012; A. Manço)
Teaching methods
- Ex cathedra presentations
- Reading and commentaries of "classical" extracts and recent texts (to be specified)
- Introduction of action-research and field investigations (with the will not to dichotomise pure and applied research);
- Exploitation of filmed documents. For example, viewing of excerpts from the American series "The Wire" (theme of the over-criminalisation of immigrants, strato-ethnicisation of school...)
- Reading and commentaries of "classical" extracts and recent texts (to be specified)
- Introduction of action-research and field investigations (with the will not to dichotomise pure and applied research);
- Exploitation of filmed documents. For example, viewing of excerpts from the American series "The Wire" (theme of the over-criminalisation of immigrants, strato-ethnicisation of school...)
Evaluation methods
Commentaries of extracts from texts not studied in class related to the proposed corpus (terms to be defined).
Other information
Lecture obligatoire : A. Rea/M. Tripier 2003 (repères et jalons historiques, paradigmes et concepts opératoires).
BALIBAR E., Nous, citoyens d’Europe ?, La Découverte, Paris, 2001.
BARTH F., Ethnic groups and boundaries, Boston, Little Brown, trad. franç. de l’introduction « Les groupes ethniques et leurs frontières » in POUTIGNAT P. et STREIFF-FENART J., Théories de l'ethnicité, P.U.F.,1995.
BASTENIER A. et DASSETTO F., Immigration et espace public, L’Harmattan, Paris, 1992.
BENBASSA E. (dir.), La France à l’ère postcoloniale ?, La Découverte/Mouvements, Paris, 2011.
BRUN F., « Immigrés, sans-papiers, des travailleurs en deça de la citoyenneté », L'Homme et la Société 2/2006, p. 161-175.
CASTLES S et MILLER M., The Age of Migration, Guilford Press, New York, 1998.
CHAPOULIE J-M., La tradition sociologique de Chicago, Seuil, Paris, 2001.
CRENSHAW K., « Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color », Stanford Law Review, 1991, vol. 43, n°6, p. 1241–1299.
DE RUDDER V., « Jalons pour une hisoire socio-politique de la recherche sur les relations interethniques en France » in SIMON-BAROUH I. et DE RUDDER V. (eds.), Migrations internationales et relations interethniques, L'Harmattan, 1994.
DORLIN E. (ed.), Black Feminism. Anthologie du féminisme africain-américain, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2008.
ENTZINGER H., « The dynamics of integration policies: a multidimensional model » in KOOPMANS R. et STATHAM P. (eds;), Challenging Immigration and Ethnic relations Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, 97-118.
FADIL N., « Remembering the ‘folk islam’ of the parents. Practices of authentification of liberal and secular Muslims in Belgium », Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2012.
FALQUET J. et al, Le sexe de la mondialisation, Presses Sciences Po, Paris, 2010.
FASSIN D. et FASSIN E., De la question sociale à la question raciale ?, La Découverte, Paris, 2006.
FRAZIER F., The negro family in the United States, Macmillan, NY, 1939.
HARAWAY D., Des singes, des cyborgs et des femmes, Actes Sud, Paris, 2009.
JAMOULLE P. et MAZZOCCHETTI J., Adolescences en exil, Harmattan-Academia, Louvain-La-Neuve, 2011.
JUTEAU D., L’ethnicité est ses frontières, Presses de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, 2000.
KYMLICKA W., Multicultural citizenship : a liberal theory of minority rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995.
MANCO U. (coord.), Affaires d’identité ? Identités à faire !, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2012.
MARTINIELLO M., La démocratie multiculturelle, Presses Sciences Po, Paris, 2011.
NOIRIEL G., Le creuset français, Seuil, Paris, 1988.
NORDMANN Ch. (ed.), Le foulard islamique en questions, Editions Amsterdam, Paris, 2004.
PARK R., « The Nature of Race Relations » in PARK R., Race and Culture, Free Press, Glencoe, 1939, p. 81-116.
PALOMARES A. et TESTENOIRE E., Prismes féministes. Qu’est-ce que l’intersectionnalité ?, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2010.
PORTES A. et ZHOU M., « The new second generation : Segmented Assimilation and its Variants among post-68 Immigrant Youth », Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, n° 535, 1993, p. 74-96.
REA A. et TRIPIER M., Sociologie de l'immigration, La Découverte, Paris, 2003.
REX J., The Ghetto and the Underclass, Avebury, Aldershot, 1988.
SAYAD A., L’immigration ou les paradoxes de l’altérité, De Boeck Université, Bruxelles, 1991.
SCHNAPPER D., La France de l’intégration, Gallimard, Paris, 1991.
WALLERSTEIN I., The Modern World System, Academic Press, New York, 1974.
WIRTH L., The Ghetto, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1928 ; trad. française, Le Ghetto, PUG, Grenoble, 1980.
BALIBAR E., Nous, citoyens d’Europe ?, La Découverte, Paris, 2001.
BARTH F., Ethnic groups and boundaries, Boston, Little Brown, trad. franç. de l’introduction « Les groupes ethniques et leurs frontières » in POUTIGNAT P. et STREIFF-FENART J., Théories de l'ethnicité, P.U.F.,1995.
BASTENIER A. et DASSETTO F., Immigration et espace public, L’Harmattan, Paris, 1992.
BENBASSA E. (dir.), La France à l’ère postcoloniale ?, La Découverte/Mouvements, Paris, 2011.
BRUN F., « Immigrés, sans-papiers, des travailleurs en deça de la citoyenneté », L'Homme et la Société 2/2006, p. 161-175.
CASTLES S et MILLER M., The Age of Migration, Guilford Press, New York, 1998.
CHAPOULIE J-M., La tradition sociologique de Chicago, Seuil, Paris, 2001.
CRENSHAW K., « Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color », Stanford Law Review, 1991, vol. 43, n°6, p. 1241–1299.
DE RUDDER V., « Jalons pour une hisoire socio-politique de la recherche sur les relations interethniques en France » in SIMON-BAROUH I. et DE RUDDER V. (eds.), Migrations internationales et relations interethniques, L'Harmattan, 1994.
DORLIN E. (ed.), Black Feminism. Anthologie du féminisme africain-américain, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2008.
ENTZINGER H., « The dynamics of integration policies: a multidimensional model » in KOOPMANS R. et STATHAM P. (eds;), Challenging Immigration and Ethnic relations Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, 97-118.
FADIL N., « Remembering the ‘folk islam’ of the parents. Practices of authentification of liberal and secular Muslims in Belgium », Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2012.
FALQUET J. et al, Le sexe de la mondialisation, Presses Sciences Po, Paris, 2010.
FASSIN D. et FASSIN E., De la question sociale à la question raciale ?, La Découverte, Paris, 2006.
FRAZIER F., The negro family in the United States, Macmillan, NY, 1939.
HARAWAY D., Des singes, des cyborgs et des femmes, Actes Sud, Paris, 2009.
JAMOULLE P. et MAZZOCCHETTI J., Adolescences en exil, Harmattan-Academia, Louvain-La-Neuve, 2011.
JUTEAU D., L’ethnicité est ses frontières, Presses de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, 2000.
KYMLICKA W., Multicultural citizenship : a liberal theory of minority rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995.
MANCO U. (coord.), Affaires d’identité ? Identités à faire !, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2012.
MARTINIELLO M., La démocratie multiculturelle, Presses Sciences Po, Paris, 2011.
NOIRIEL G., Le creuset français, Seuil, Paris, 1988.
NORDMANN Ch. (ed.), Le foulard islamique en questions, Editions Amsterdam, Paris, 2004.
PARK R., « The Nature of Race Relations » in PARK R., Race and Culture, Free Press, Glencoe, 1939, p. 81-116.
PALOMARES A. et TESTENOIRE E., Prismes féministes. Qu’est-ce que l’intersectionnalité ?, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2010.
PORTES A. et ZHOU M., « The new second generation : Segmented Assimilation and its Variants among post-68 Immigrant Youth », Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, n° 535, 1993, p. 74-96.
REA A. et TRIPIER M., Sociologie de l'immigration, La Découverte, Paris, 2003.
REX J., The Ghetto and the Underclass, Avebury, Aldershot, 1988.
SAYAD A., L’immigration ou les paradoxes de l’altérité, De Boeck Université, Bruxelles, 1991.
SCHNAPPER D., La France de l’intégration, Gallimard, Paris, 1991.
WALLERSTEIN I., The Modern World System, Academic Press, New York, 1974.
WIRTH L., The Ghetto, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1928 ; trad. française, Le Ghetto, PUG, Grenoble, 1980.
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in History
Bachelor in Law
Bachelor in Law French-Dutch (and French-Dutch-English)
Bachelor in Information and Communication
Bachelor in Information and Communication (French-English)
Bachelor in Information and Communication (French-Dutch-English)
Bachelor in Sociology and Anthropology
Bachelor in Sociology and Anthropology (French-English)
Bachelor in Sociology and Anthropology (French-Dutch-English)
Bachelor in Political Sciences
Bachelor in Political Sciences (French-English)
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting [Filière en communication interculturelle]
Bachelor in Droit - Rechten - Laws