German: Grammar in Practice

bmhal1212  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

German: Grammar in Practice
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 and Q2

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

With reference to the Course Description (Learning Activities) of the Degree in Translation and Inter-pretation, students following this Course Unit de-velop and acquire the following skills (learning outcomes) :

On completing this Unit students should be able to:

- Correctly use the rules of grammar learnt in class in both oral and written contexts
- Conjugate German verbs both in drill exercises and in context
- Decline German nouns, adjectives, determiners and pronouns both in drill exercises and in context
- Correctly use lexical and grammatical spelling rules
- Correctly manipulate and alternate various simple and complex German sentence structures
- Translate sentences from texts discussed in class into C language, using grammatical, lexical, syntactical, phraseological and punctuation rules

French Grammar for German-speaking students :
At the end of the course, the student will be able
- to use the grammar rules and syntactic structures covered in the course correctly in writing.
- Translate a text with or without tools into the C language in a limited time, respecting grammatical, lexical, syntactic, phraseological and punctuation rules.
German grammar:
The aim of this course is to review the essential notions for mastering the basics of German (conjugation, declension, spelling, syntactic structures, etc.) and to complete them for a mastery of German at an intermediate level. The course provides students with tools to improve their oral and written expression.
The practical work proposed in the course is complemented by tasks to be carried out at home.

French grammar for German-speaking students:
This course aims at revising the basic notions of French grammar and written expression (complex sentences, use of modes, concordance of tenses, etc.) in various contexts.
Teaching methods
Individual and group exercises (practical work, tutorials, simulation, etc.) / Lecture
Personalized progress monitoring and support
In the second term, French-speaking students will write a paper based on the reading of a novel and its translation into German (lexical and grammatical fine-tuning with a contrastive approach). Instructions and deadlines  will be posted on the course Moodle page at the start of the term.
Evaluation methods
Formative assessment + written certifying evaluation (first semester : 30% - second semester : 70%)
To obtain the credits associated with the course, the student must take all parts of the examination relating to the UE (whether they relate to learning activities - AA - or parts of courses).
Attendance at classes is mandatory. In case of unjustified absence at more than 2 sessions  teachers reserve the right to propose to the jury that a student who has been unjustifiably absent from more than 2 class sessions be refused registration for exams. The same will apply to students who have not submitted the required work within the requested time limit without justification.   
The practical and precise instructions for the various assignments will be specified on the Moodle platform.    
German Grammar:  
  • Written exam covering different varieties of questions 
August/September session: The modalities of the exam are the same as in the january session. 
  • Written exam covering different varieties questions (50%) 
  • Translation from A to C (written paper in preparation for the exam) (50%)
August/September session: The modalities of the exam are the same as in the june session. 
French Grammar for German-speaking students:  
  • Written exam covering different types of questions (incomplete sentences, essays, short texts to be corrected, etc.) 
August/September session: The modalities of the exam are the same as in the january session. 
  • Written exam covering different varieties of questions (incomplete sentences, essays, short texts to be corrected, etc.) (50%)
  • Written exam of translation of a text from A to C (50%) 
August/September session: The modalities of the exam are the same as in the june session.    
Grammaire allemande : 
- Clamer, Friedrich; Heilmann, Ehrard G.(2007): Übungsgrammatik für die Grundstufe 4. überarbeitete Auflage. ISBN 978-3-922989-70-7 

Grammaire française : 
- THIRY Paul et al., Vocabulaire français: trouver et choisir le mot juste: 550 exercices pour enrichir son vocabulaire et améliorer son style, Bruxelles, De Boeck - Duculot, 2009. 
- Support conseillé : GREVISSE Maurice et GOOSSE André, Nouvelle grammaire française, Bruxelles, De Boeck - Duculot, 1995. 
Teaching materials
  • Axel Hering (Autor), Magdalena Matussek (Autor), Michaela Perlmann-Balme: Deutsch – Übungsgrammatik für die Mittelstufe – aktuell. München 2022.
  • Syllabus de grammaire française MHFR1131 et MHFR1132
  • Documents de cours disponibles sur Moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting