English – Written Language Mastery

bmhan1131  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

English – Written Language Mastery
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
0 h + 60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

Students following this course learn to identify the function of a text and to describe its structure, i.e. how its different parts and ideas are linked together. Perfecting students' comprehension skills is a key focus and throughout the year students are taught effective reading strategies.

In addition, students following this course learn:
- the vocabulary taught during the course and provided in the self-study guide, and how to use it appropriately;
- to identify the different parts of speech and explain the morphology of specific grammatical categories
(compound and derivative words, etc.) ; and
- to identify and use a range of lexical language features (definitions, collocations, synonyms, etc.).
Students learn how to overcome the principal barriers to comprehension, and thereby acquire the skills to translate English language texts into French correctly. The course highlights the features that characterise the written word in English and the specific difficulties these engender for the francophone reader. It develops students' meta-understanding and awareness of the strategies that can be deployed to resolve comprehension or translation difficulties. The course uses selected complete texts drawn from authentic English language press material.
The course covers theoretical issues and includes practical or applied exercises designed to enrich students' range of expression.
Teaching methods
- Problem-based learning;
- Practical/applied exercises requiring students' active participation;
- Semi-autonomous learning of vocabulary.
Evaluation methods
Summative assessment (written) at the end of the course unit.
This year-long course is subdivided into two modules - MHAN1131A the first term (Q1) and MHAN1131B the second (Q2) - and has two separate exams. The global mark is an average calculated as described above (i.e. Q1:30% and Q2: 70% of the total mark). A 10/20 or higher mark for any exam will automatically be transferred to the second or third exam session and it will therefore not possible to re-sit the exam related to this module of the course.
BAMFORD J., DAY R.-R. (2004) Extensive Reading Activities for Teaching Language. Cambridge University Press.
BRACO HANDYSIDE M. (2008) Metacognition Matters. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
COLLINS BLOCK C. (2004) Teaching Comprehension : The Comprehension Process Approach. Pearson.
GOUGH C. (2002) English Vocabulary Organiser. Heinle Cengage Learning.
ISRAEL S. E. et al (2005) Metacognition in Literacy Learning. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
LADMIRAL J.-R. (1994) Traduire : théorèmes pour la traduction. Gallimard.
LAFORTUNE, L. et al (2000) Pour guide la métacognition. Presses de l'Université du Québec.
WECKSTEEN-QUINIO C. et al (2015) La traduction anglais-français. Manuel de traductologie pratique. De Boeck.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting