Introduction to the Culture of C-speaking countries

bmhcc1111  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Introduction to the Culture of C-speaking countries
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 15.0 h
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

At the end of this course, students will have acquired :
- some intercultural knowledge useful for the understanding, analysis and contextualisation of translation activities
- the ability to put one's own cultural perspective and value system into perspective (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, p. 124. Hereafter CEFR);
- the ability to establish a relationship between the culture of origin and the foreign culture" (CEFR, p. 84).
Every translator must have a good knowledge of the world, or in other words, have excellent general knowledge. “Knowledge of the society and culture of the community(ies) that speak a {foreign} language is one aspect of knowledge of the world. {And} unlike other types of knowledge, it is likely that it does not belong to the learner's prior knowledge {...}.” (CEFR, p. 82.)
This unit therefore aims to give students, from the first year of the baccalaureate, an introduction to culture in different fields. Depending on the languages, certain aspects will be more or less developed. Among the possible fields, we will particularly note history, geography, political and cultural news, literature, painting, music, cinema, etc.
The English part of the course will offer an overview of the cultures of the English-speaking world and the global diffusion of the English language.
Arab part: the course will offer an overview of the history of the contemporary Arab world from the advent of Islam to the present day. Particular clarifications will be provided on the history of the Arabic language and its major developments.
Students will participate in a group outing during the year (exhibitions or shows).
For the Chinese part, this course allows the student to acquire historical and geographical knowledge so that they can find their way in Chinese time and space. The main philosophies present in China will be discussed to enable a better understanding of Chinese thought. Themes such as music, calligraphy, cuisine, etc., will be considered from the perspective of globalization so that the student has a good perception of ancient and current Chinese culture.
In addition, group work on a cultural issue will be an opportunity for the student to open up to another facet of Chinese culture and present it to the entire audience.
The Spanish part aims to introduce knowledge about Spain in general (geography, demography, history, linguistic situation, cultural events, etc.) and about the Spanish language, in particular.
The Italian part will study different aspects of Italy and its culture: physical and human geography, history, language(s), literature, cinema, etc. The course will be given in the form of lectures. Slideshows will serve as support for the lessons and will be available on the course Moodle page.
The sign language part of this unit constitutes an introduction to deaf culture and will allow you to have a first overview of themes such as the history of the deaf, sign language, customs and social interactions specific to the community. deaf, deaf arts and other concepts. 
The Turkish part of this course aims to introduce fundamental knowledge about Turkey, particularly with regard to its geography, history and cultural diversity. Particular emphasis will be placed on the interactions between these aspects and the Turkish language.
Teaching methods
The course will be organized in two parts. The first part will consist of 15 hours of face-to-face lessons per language, or 30 hours of lessons. These courses will be accompanied by one or more activities equivalent to 7.5 hours of lessons/language, or 15 hours. These cultural activities are left to the discretion of the (team of) teachers and may require readings, travel (visit to an exhibition, a site, conference, etc.) A portfolio of Readings in French can accompany the course.
The German part will mainly be based on a lecture course offering an overview of different German political, economic, social and cultural realities.
The English part will be taught and evaluated in English. In addition to readings, work and preparation may be required.
Arabic part: the course will be based on a lecture as well as the active participation of students.
For the Chinese part: Masterclass; A guided tour; Written group work with oral presentation; Readings: various articles + a book (the title will be specified on Moodle at the start of Q2); A conference. The Spanish part of this course will be taught mainly in French. If the level of the group allows it, certain parts of the course can be taught in Spanish, but the assessment will be done only in French. The Italian part of this EU will be taught mainly in French. If the level of the group allows it, certain parts of the course can be taught in a foreign language, but the assessment will be done only in French. For the Dutch part, the course will be taught in French and will cover themes such as: the differences and similarities between France and the Netherlands, arts and literature (brief overviews). For the sign language part, in addition to the lecture course and external activities where active participation is expected, there will be two written assignments as well as various articles and a book to read. Turkish part: the course will be based on lecture sessions as well as the active participation of students.
Evaluation methods
To obtain credits linked to an EU, the student must take all parts of the exam relating to the EU (whether they relate to learning activities - AA - or parts of courses).
German: written test on Moodle
English: written exam on course content (60%); report on the student's cultural activities to be submitted by an agreed date at the start of the course (40%). Second session identical to the first session.
Arabic: students will be interviewed orally on the course (50%) and will have to submit work at the end of the year (50%)
Chinese: the final test includes a written exam which is worth 70% of the final mark and group work which is worth 30% of the final mark. The subjects, instructions and date(s) for submitting group work will appear on the Moodle page of the course from the start of the semester. In the event of failure, students will be evaluated in the second session using the same methods as in the first session. For the part concerning group work, they will submit a written report at the time of the exam presenting the improvements they have made to the work.
Other information
All written work much conform to the examination regulations and the guidance on academic integrity.
Anglais: Supports de cours (documents écrits et audiovisuels) sur Moodle. Un livre en anglais convenu pendant les premières semaines du cours
Arabe : Jean-Pierre Filiu, Le milieu des mondes. Une histoire laïque du Moyen-Orient de 395 à nos jours, Seuil, Paris, 2021.
Chinois : PPT disponible sur Moodle.
Néerlandais: la bibliographie sera donnée au cours et/ou figurera dans le syllabus. Il sera demandé aux étudiant·e·s de lire un roman néerlandais (à déterminer).
Italien: diaporamas disponibles sur la page Moodle du cours (avec bibliographie)
Russe : Anne-Marie OLIVE, Guide de civilisation russe. Dossier comprenant des documents écrits et audiovisuels relatifs aux sujets vus au cours.
Turc: Öztuna, Yılmaz. Histoire abrégée de la Turquie : depuis les origines jusqu’à l’avènement de la République. Direction Générale de la Presse et de l’Information.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting