The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
Upon completion, the students will be able: - to put into practice the rules of pronunciation and accentuation, and to use correctly various modes of intonation; - to produce a phonetic transcription of texts, whether or not studied during the course; - to use the vocabulary and related constructions during a written transposition from French to Russian of typical sequences of the oral speech within the framework of studied subjects; - to understand and restore to the paper, under a good lexico-grammatical control, the contents of oral texts in relation with matters seen in the course; - to produce a continuous oral speech of ± 3 minutes on matters seen in the course; - to communicate, in a direct exchange, information on familiar activities and events, while answering questions deviating from studied topics. |
Theoretical part: explanations concerning the vocabulary and related constructions.Training part: exercises of sounds drills, use of various types of intonation, and their phonetic transcriptions; oral and written exercises as to the use of the vocabulary and related constructions, exercises of written and/or oral restitution of oral texts, exercises of performing continuous speech, as well as in situation of exchange.
Teaching methods
Theoretical explanations ; oral drills, homework, dictations, translation of short current phrases.
Evaluation methods
Q1 exam: 30% of the final grade; Q2 exam: 70% of the final grade.
Final evaluation in the form of an oral exam: evaluation of the acquisition of vocabulary and related constructions, production of a continuous speech of approximately three minutes on the subjects studied, discussions with the teacher (question-answer) about familiar activities and events.
Final evaluation in the form of an oral exam: evaluation of the acquisition of vocabulary and related constructions, production of a continuous speech of approximately three minutes on the subjects studied, discussions with the teacher (question-answer) about familiar activities and events.
Syllabi mis à disposition par le professeur.e.
Duc Goninaz, Michel ; Grabovsky, Olga ; Korjenevskaïa, Nina ; Pernette, Cédric. Russe : vocabulaire thématique. Paris : Ophrys, 2020.
Havronina, Serafima Alekseevna ; Bron-Čičagova, Lidiâ ; Širočenskaâ, Aleksandra Ivanovna. Le russe à votre rythme : cours pratique pour francophones.. 1, Cours élémentaire. Paris : Institut d'études slaves, 2003.
Duc Goninaz, Michel ; Grabovsky, Olga ; Korjenevskaïa, Nina ; Pernette, Cédric. Russe : vocabulaire thématique. Paris : Ophrys, 2020.
Havronina, Serafima Alekseevna ; Bron-Čičagova, Lidiâ ; Širočenskaâ, Aleksandra Ivanovna. Le russe à votre rythme : cours pratique pour francophones.. 1, Cours élémentaire. Paris : Institut d'études slaves, 2003.
Teaching materials
- Moodle
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting