Literary theories

broma1215  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Literary theories
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- Read rigorously texts of literary theory
- Master the categories of literary theory and handle with ease the concepts in order to apply them in a process of text analysis
The course is composed of a first part devoted to the acquisition of theoretical tools for narrative texts (Joëlle Lints); it mainly addresses the concepts and tools of an internal approach of the narrative text: the narration (perspectives, narrators and narrative levels, transposition of speech), the diegetic world (plot, characters, chronotope), the narrative text (writing, form...)

The second part (Isabelle Ost) puts into question some key concepts of literary theory, such as the aesthetics, the genre, the discourse, etc., before proposing a reflection on the dialogue between the different analysis procedures of literary texts.
Teaching methods
The course is taught by the professor, however, students are encouraged to take an active part in the lessons through their preparatory or complementary readings.
Evaluation methods
Oral examination in two parts
Other information
A syllabus reproducing the course outline as well as excerpts from both theoretical and literary texts is foreseen.
Une bibliographie est communiquée aux étudiants au début du quadrimestre : elle comprend les grands ouvrages de référence cités.
L’étudiant est particulièrement tenu de lire :
- BAYARD (P.), Enquête sur Hamlet. Le dialogue de sourds, Paris, Minuit, coll. « Paradoxe », 2002.
- JAMES (H.), Le motif dans le tapis, trad. J. Pavans, Paris, GF Flammarion, 2004.
- Différents textes brefs mis à disposition via Moodle.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Philosophy

Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Letters

Bachelor in Modern Languages and Letters: German, Dutch and English

Bachelor in Information and Communication

Bachelor in Information and Communication (French-English)

Bachelor in Information and Communication (French-Dutch-English)

Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General