The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
LACTU2010 Actuariat des assurances dommages
LACTU2030 Actuariat de l'assurance-vie
LACTU2030 Actuariat de l'assurance-vie
Main themes
Insurance accounting. Introduction to European solvency standards (Solvency II) and their transposition in Belgium. Quantitative aspects and role of the actuary. Actuarial aspects of IFRS.
- Particularities of the insurance sector and accounting implications.
- Introduction to European solvency standards (Solvency II) and their transposition in Belgium, quantitative aspects and role of the actuary
- Actuarial aspects of IFRS
Teaching methods
The course consists of theoretical lessons illustrated by practical cases, in which the student is required to participate.
Work at home, readings and student interventions are required to prepare the theoretical lessons.
Work at home, readings and student interventions are required to prepare the theoretical lessons.
Evaluation methods
The evaluation consists in a written exam in French for which the student may have at disposal all its paper support (slides, regulation, etc.). For the second session, the examination is in principle written. The lecturer may decide to organise an oral examination if the number of participants is limited.
The students also work per group on a project and the report counts for 25% of the final mark. If a student does not submit any report, a resit work will be proposed for the session of August.
The lecturer keeps the right to orally question the student on her/his exam and report.
The students also work per group on a project and the report counts for 25% of the final mark. If a student does not submit any report, a resit work will be proposed for the session of August.
The lecturer keeps the right to orally question the student on her/his exam and report.
Other information
In addition to the regulatory texts, the course is mainly based on the following books:
- Cerrada K., De Rongé Y., De Wolf M. (2016), Comptabilité et analyse des états financiers: principes, applications et exercices (2è édition), De Boeck.
- F. Couilbault, S. Couilbault-Di Tommasco, V. Huberty (2017), Les grands principes de l'assurance (13ème édition), L'argus de l'assurance
- E. Williot (2016), Les grands principes de la comptabilité d'assurance, L'argus de l'assurance
- P. Trainar, P. Thourot (2017), Gestion de l'entreprise d'assurance (2ème édition), Dunod
Online resources
Via the Moodle platform
Les transparents et documents fournis renvoient aux textes réglementaires et à la littérature spécialisée.
Teaching materials
- Matériel disponible en ligne
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Actuarial Science