Observation et analyse de l'institution scolaire et de son contexte (en ce compris le stage d'observation)

lagre2120q  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Observation et analyse de l'institution scolaire et de son contexte (en ce compris le stage d'observation)
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
22.5 h + 25.0 h
Main themes
"The school institution and its context" .. Content and method - The unfairness in school achievement - The disparity between schools - The disparity between school attendance - The students motivation for learning - The teachers' investment in innovative projects - The actors and partners of school to day - The relations between school and family - The evolution of democratisation in education - Some elements to compare the main education systems - The main edicts and juridical rules governing education - The school webs and the structure of secondary education - The role of the institution project - The status and the responsibility of the teachers - The impositions and duties of the function o These themes will be tackled in the light of the three complementary aspects above starting from an analysis of the edict Missions, Methods The course includes three non dissociable parts : o Lectures (22h50) o An observation training (10h00) o A seminar (15) o The lectures develops the themes quoted above by means of several analyses structures and problem solving processes. The matter here is not to overwhelm the student with exhaustive information but well to help him/her acquire the necessary tools to adopt a reflexive attitude. o The observation training will take place in one or two school establishments, whatever the network. It allows the student to discover the management and functioning of the school in its educational, organisational, pedagogical and extra-curricular options. Two days full attendance in the partner schools will be privileged o The seminar is ensured by a multidisciplinary team of teachers. It is a privileged interface allowing the students to compare their mutual experience and to have a critical glance on the observations carried out in the school institution. The themes analysed during the seminar are chosen by a teacher and student's team according to the questions raised by the students tackling the school environment.
This teaching unit explores the educational institution and its context at various levels, drawing from research conducted in education across multiple disciplines within the social and human sciences (educational sciences, sociology, history, etc.). At the macro-social level, it seeks to shed light on the functioning and organization of the educational system in the French-speaking Community of Belgium from a historical, political, and social perspective. It examines educational policies (including reference texts) and the characteristics of the student population.
At the meso-social level, the focus is on analyzing the operation of educational institutions by examining modes of school organization, institutional cultures, and the relationships among various educational stakeholders.
At the micro-social level, it aims to illuminate the actor dynamics (teachers, students, parents, etc.) that revolve around classroom teaching. Special attention is given to the current challenges and issues within our educational system, particularly related to the expansion of education and the production of educational inequalities.
Some comparative elements with education systems in other countries help deepen the reflection and open it to the European dimension.
Teaching methods
The teaching unit comprises three interrelated learning activities: a course (22 hours and 30 minutes), an observation internship (10 hours), and a seminar (15 hours). The course sheds light on the educational institution and its context through various analytical frameworks and problem-solving approaches. Its aim is not to overwhelm the student with exhaustive information but to equip them to adopt a reflective approach.
The internship is carried out in a multidisciplinary team, in an educational institution within any network. During ten hours of observation spread over two days, students have the opportunity to explore the school's functioning in terms of its educational, organizational, pedagogical, and extracurricular aspects.
The seminar, led by a multidisciplinary team of practitioner teachers, is designed to enable students to confront and analyze the observations made during their internship.
Evaluation methods
The assessment covers the entire framework, including the three learning activities: the course, observation internship, and seminar.
Specifically, the assessment is based on:
  1. Ongoing assessment through reflection assignments completed during the semester on educational issues.
  2. A final assessment based on a written exam.
The precise evaluation details (criteria, deadlines, formats, etc.) are provided by the instructors at the beginning of the activity.
The integration of the various learning activities (course, observation internship, and seminar) requires active participation in the entire framework. Furthermore, the completion of the observation internship and the collaborative analysis work carried out during the seminar necessitate the effective presence of each student; this presence is a prerequisite for the final assessment.
The final grade can only be awarded if the student has attended the entire internship and seminar. The student will be considered absent until both the internship and seminar have been completed.
Other information
Further information : evaluation, prerequisite, evaluation procedures, support,'. The evaluation will consist in two parts : o A collective and multidisciplinary job o An individual task o The collective task written by groups of 4 students of different faculties includes a description part (presentation of the school establishment/institution) and a reflexion part starting from a theme in connection with the analyses and questions dealt with in the lectures (emphasizing the stakes, the organizational institutional and social implications of the strategies, etc' o The individual task consists for each student in reading again the written group task in order to think about what he/she would do and according to which values. This way of working allows the student to think about the elaboration of a teaching deontology in order to make up his/her own professional ethics. o The students will have a portfolio at their disposal. The given references where to get information will allow the future teachers to update it. o The structuring of the different parts (lectures, observation training and seminar) implies an active participation to the complete set. Moreover the analysis task written by a multi-disciplinary team during the seminar requires the effective attendance of each of the students. This attendance is a prerequisite for the final evaluation Other elements of the specifications : supervision/management, means' The activity lecture - seminar will be dealt with /given by multidisciplinary team of teachers. The seminars follow the lectures and are organised in afternoons of days. Field actors will attend. This activity will happen three times, the student will have the possibility to follow it during the first or second quarter.

Les étudiants disposent d'un portefeuille de lecture. L'indication des sources où se procurer des informations permettra aux futurs enseignants de les réactualiser.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Mathematics

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Physics

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Psychology and Education

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Philosophy

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Sociology, Political Sciences, Anthropology

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Geography

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - French and Romance Languages and Literatures

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - History

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Biology

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Economics : General

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Information and Communication

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - History of Art and Archaeology, general

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Modern Languages and Literatures : General

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Performing Arts

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Physical Education

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Chemistry

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Ancient Languages and Literatures : Classics

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Theology

Master [120] in Geography : General [Réforme 2024-2025]