English for Computer Scientists III

langl1383  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

English for Computer Scientists III
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
2.00 credits
30.0 h

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

To have passed LANGL1282 or a course of a similar level with a scientific orientation, which is equivalent to a level
  • B2- in speaking,
  • B1 in writing,
  • B2+ in listening comprehension
  • and C1 in reading comprehension.
Main themes
Combination of general and professional English, as well as English for specific purposes.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

After completion of this course students will be able to communicate in English in speaking and writing with a good level of ease and precision in general, academic and professional contexts.
Students will also master the necessary skills to pursue their studies in English at the master’s level.
The competencies to be aquired align with
  • the level B2+ (advanced) of the Common European Framework of Reference in speaking skills
  • and with the level B2- for writing skills
Regarding the frame of reference for learning outcomes of the program « Bachelor of computer science», this course contributes to the development, acquisition and evaluation of the following learning outcomes:
  • AA 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
  • AA 5.1
  • Language skills : general and specific vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation
  • Language functions for oral communication: introducing, structuring, explaining, going into details, opposing, negotiating, concluding, agreeing or disagreeing, interrupting, manageing an informal discussion or a formal meeting, expressing an opinion, quoting sources, citing numbers, describing graphs, etc. 
  • Interaction in general, academic and professional situations
  • Oral presentations linked to the UN's sustainable development goals
  • CVs and cover letters including the appropriate use of AI
  • Job interview practice
Teaching methods
  • Informal speaking practice through discussions on general or scientific topics chosen by students
  • Listening comprehension practice with videos shared by students in preparation of above discussions
  • Formal speaking practice through debates on topics relating to engineering
  • Reading comprehension practice through the preparation work for above debates
  • Formal speaking practice through role plays and simulation exercices such as meetings, negotiations, technical explanations, job interviews 
  • Writing practice: e-mailing, CVs and cover letters for applications to study/exchange programs or internships
  • Regular feedback on students' productions
  • Frequent pair and group work
  • Certain classes can be taught online via Teams
Evaluation methods
1. The oral exam in two parts verifies whether the course objectives have been reached in terms of speaking skills. Each part of the exam makes up 25% of the final grade.
2. Continuous evaluation is based on written and oral assignments given throughout the term as well as on students' level of preparation and participation. For written assignments students receive feedback on their first draft and only their second draft is graded. The two main writing assignments count each for 10% towards the final grade. Preparation, attendance and participation also make up 10% of the final grade. The oral presentation makes up 20% of the final grade (use of artificial intelligence prohibited for generating content, but allowed for improving language).
3. Attendance is mandatory, as well as the exclusive use of the English language.
4. The possible August/September exam is comprised of all the graded written and oral assignments of the term (presentation 20% and 2 written assignments for 10% each) and of the material of the December/January exam (of which each part makes up 25%), as well as of the Attendance and Participation grade, which the students retains (10%). The 2 written assignments are due on the day of the exam at the latest. No prior feedback will be provided.
5. The final grade for the course is modulated by a multiplication coefficient which takes into account attendance and preparation, the coefficient being 0 if attendance has been less than 80% of classes, and otherwise 1. The coefficient is applied in January and in August/September.
Other information
Course attendance is mandatory.
This course contributes to the education on sustainable development.
Online resources
On MoodleUCL: the course LANGL1373/LANGL1383 Anglais pour ingénieurs civils III / Anglais pour informaticiens III 
Course: LANGL1373/LANGL1383 Anglais pour ingénieurs civils III / Anglais pour informaticiens III (uclouvain.be)
Teaching materials
  • Syllabus LANGL1373/LANGL1383 (disponible sur MoodleUCL)
  • Page Moodle https://moodle.uclouvain.be/course/view.php?id=624
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Computer Science