The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
> French-friendly
> French-friendly
The student should have followed the intermediate-level course (LANGL 1332) or a course of a similar level, corresponding to the B2 level.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | Reading Comprehension
2 | Listening Comprehension - Individual:
3 | Speaking Skills - Individual: Students should be able to present a topic prepared in advance in a clear and methodical way while using visual supports and with only occasional reference to their notes. Speaking Skills - Interactive:
4 | Writing Skills Students should be able to write:
- Language skills : general and specific vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation
- Language functions for oral communication: introducing, structuring, explaining, going into details, opposing, negotiating, concluding, agreeing or disagreeing, interrupting, manageing an informal discussion or a formal meeting, expressing an opinion, describing graphs, etc.
- Interaction in general, academic and professional situations
- Oral presentations
- IELTS exam preparation
- CVs and cover letters
- Job interview practice
Teaching methods
- Formal and informal speaking practice through discussions on general and business topics
- Listening comprehension practice with videos and audio files
- Reading comprehension practice to prepare for class activities and presentations
- Formal speaking practice through role plays and simulation exercices such as meetings, negotiations, job interviews
- Writing practice: e-mailing, CVs and cover letters for applications
- Regular feedback on students' written and oral productions
- Frequent pair and group work
- Certain classes can be taught online via Teams
- Use of an Elearning platform (Moodle), Flowchase (App) and course notes and book (Business Partner B2+)
Evaluation methods
Continuous assessment 70% (summative and formative):
Attendance is mandatory. Failing to attend more than 3 classes over the 2 semesters without a valid excuse will result in scoring 0/70 for Continuous Evaluation.
Group exam 15%: holding a meeting
Individual exam 15% : job interview
Being absent for the oral exam(s) will result in an Absence for the final grade.
The August/September exam is comprised of all the graded written and oral assignments of the year and the 2 oral exams. The written assignments are due on the first day of the August exam session at the latest. As per article 72 of the university's rules and regulations for studies and exams (Règlement général des études et examens) the teacher may ask the jury to oppose a student's enrolment for the exam if they did not hand in their written assignments within the deadline.
- Participation
- Presentations
- Vocabulary and grammar tests
- Writing tasks
Attendance is mandatory. Failing to attend more than 3 classes over the 2 semesters without a valid excuse will result in scoring 0/70 for Continuous Evaluation.
Group exam 15%: holding a meeting
Individual exam 15% : job interview
Being absent for the oral exam(s) will result in an Absence for the final grade.
The August/September exam is comprised of all the graded written and oral assignments of the year and the 2 oral exams. The written assignments are due on the first day of the August exam session at the latest. As per article 72 of the university's rules and regulations for studies and exams (Règlement général des études et examens) the teacher may ask the jury to oppose a student's enrolment for the exam if they did not hand in their written assignments within the deadline.
Online resources
- Business Partner B2+, Pearson
Teaching materials
- LANGL1532 course notes
- Moodle LANGL1532
- Business Partner B2+
- Flowchase App
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Additionnal module in Management