The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Lefevre Carlo; Serbest Nevin (coordinator);
This course is an 'intermediate ' 2nd degree' course and the prerequisites are: 1) being able to use basic grammar and vocabulary in a productive way, 2) having a good command of the language skills that are mentioned for the intermediate level LANGL1821 (1st degree).
A placement test is organised at the beginning of the year to define which students can attend this course. There is a possibility to be exempted from the course: the students who have obtained a 15/20 or more at the placement test will be given the opportunity to take an exemption test and be exempted from the course and the exam provided they obtain a 12/20 or more at that test.
A placement test is organised at the beginning of the year to define which students can attend this course. There is a possibility to be exempted from the course: the students who have obtained a 15/20 or more at the placement test will be given the opportunity to take an exemption test and be exempted from the course and the exam provided they obtain a 12/20 or more at that test.
Main themes
The pedagogical method is mainly based on authentic public legal texts and videos.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
At the end of the course students are expected to have reached |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Proficiency in general vocabulary should be aimed at (support: syllabus: lists of receptive and productive vocabulary from the texts and the videos). Learning of legal vocabulary (support: 1. Vocabulary book "Professional English in Use - LAW" - The vocabulary is either presented in context or according to semantic field; 2. syllabus: lists of receptive and productive vocabulary from the texts and the videos).
Revision in context of the main grammar points (self-tuition programme "Gramlink" on the ILV's website) and practice by means of written and oral exercises.
The receptive skills will be trained and developed by means of reading comprehension and listening comprehension strategies where the students are expected to guess the meaning of words or anticipate ideas in a text. These techniques will be applied to video passages or texts which are of general interest and legally-oriented.
Revision of the pronunciation of the most frequently used words («Répétiteur » program on Moodle).
Oral production will be practiced by means of free exercises (interactive exercises such as role-plays, little debates,...).
The students are expected to make a presentation on a legal topic during classroom hours after receiving tips on this skill and they are expected to organise speaking activities linked to their presentations.
Revision in context of the main grammar points (self-tuition programme "Gramlink" on the ILV's website) and practice by means of written and oral exercises.
The receptive skills will be trained and developed by means of reading comprehension and listening comprehension strategies where the students are expected to guess the meaning of words or anticipate ideas in a text. These techniques will be applied to video passages or texts which are of general interest and legally-oriented.
Revision of the pronunciation of the most frequently used words («Répétiteur » program on Moodle).
Oral production will be practiced by means of free exercises (interactive exercises such as role-plays, little debates,...).
The students are expected to make a presentation on a legal topic during classroom hours after receiving tips on this skill and they are expected to organise speaking activities linked to their presentations.
Teaching methods
The pedagogical method is mainly based on authentic texts and videos. Learning basic vocabulary and structures is supported by vocabulary exercises.
Evaluation methods
Assessment BAC 1 students are tested in the following way :
- Compulsory Placement/Exemption test: At the very beginning of the academic year, all students MUST take an exemption test. This test is the same level as the exam. On the basis of the results, students can be exempted from the course or have access to the LANGL1821 or LANGL1822 course.
- End first-term test (in week 14): At the end of the first term, MUST take a test assessing the vocabulary and grammar. The test is worth 20% of the final mark. If a student does not have 10/20 or more at the test, he/she will have to take this test again in June.
- Grammar test in Q2: During the Q2, students will have to take a grammar test. It will test all the grammar seen in class. It is worth 10% of the final mark.
- Final oral exam (in week 12 and 13): students are tested on the videos and texts seen in class and the presentations, vocabulary and all the grammar included in the programme. It is worth 40% of the final mark.
- Continuous assessment will be bases on one presentation, preparation, attendance and classroom participation as well as the entry tests on Moodle will be taken into account. It is worth 30% of the final mark. 3 unjustified absences will automatically lead to the loss of the entire continuous assessment.
- Oral exam in the second session (August/September): Students who have failed will have to take an exam in August/September. It is worth 80% of the final mark. The continuous assessment is worth 20%. Students who have 0 at the continuous assessment will have to a 10 minute presentation. This presentation is worht 20%.
Other information
Course attendance is obligatory
3 unjustified absences will automatically lead to the loss of the entire continuous assessment.
3 unjustified absences will automatically lead to the loss of the entire continuous assessment.
Online resources
Moodle UCL : LANGL 1822 English for Lawyers (Upper-intermediate)
- Syllabus du cours : « English for lawyers (Upper-intermediate) » (disponible à l'ILV) Obligatoire.
- Wyatt R, Check your English vocabulary for law, third edition, A&C Black Publishers Ltd. Obligatoire.
- "La Grammaire Anglaise" de T M.C Dufaux at A. Rousselle, Collection Petits Sésames, Van In,Wavre-Wommelgem, 2003. - Disponible en librairie. Optionnel.
- A partir du portail UCL :sur Moodle UCL : le cours LANGL1822 English for lawyers (Upper-intermediate) .
Teaching materials
- Syllabus du cours : « English for lawyers (Upper-intermediate) » (disponible sur Moodle)
- Wyatt R, Check your English vocabulary for law, third edition, A&C Black Publishers Ltd.
- A partir du portail UCL, sur MoodleUCL, le cours LANGL1822
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