Medical English

langl1855  2025-2026  Bruxelles Woluwe

Medical English
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
3.00 credits
30.0 h
Q1 or Q2
Byrne Timothy (coordinator); Deneumoustier Aurélie; Lefevre Carlo (coordinator);
The level at the beginning of the course should be lower B1 of the 'Common European Framework for Languages' (Council of Europe).

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
For the four levels mentioned below, the level aimed at is B1 (see the 'Common European Framework for Languages' of the Council of Europe).
Reading skills:
  • Ability to acquire detailed understanding of texts related to the study domain of the student (specialized medical journals such as the NEJOM, The lancet, etc.)
Speaking skills:
  • Ability to express oneself clearly and in a detailed fashion on a variety of subjects related to the study domain of the student, ability to develop one's point of view and ability to take part in a conversation unprepared
Mastering of the code:
  • Reinforcement of medical and scientific vocabulary
  • Consolidation of specific English structures
  • Correction of basic lexical and grammatical errors
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

Medical English course aimed at reinforcing the foundations in grammar, general and scientific vocabulary, reading and listening skills needed for the intermediary level in BAC 3.
    At the end of BAC 2, the student should have acquired the upper B1 level of the 'Common European Framework for Languages' (Council of Europe) and this in four domains:
    1. reading comprehension
    2. listening comprehension
    3. speaking skills
    4. mastering of the code
    LANGL1855S (Biomedical Science):
    • the course is based on different bio-medical and scientific topics presented as reading texts and audios 
    • the student reads texts at home using the acquired reading techniques
    • the audio input is analysed extensively and intensively
    • the vocabulary is practised using systematic written and oral exercises
    • the student makes an oral presentation using material from various sources
    • the grammar is explained and practised using systematic exercises
    (focus on sustainable development, transition and the SDGs, as well as on EDI, equity, diversity and inclusion)
    LANGL1855F (Pharmacy):
    • the course is based on different medical and scientific topics presented as reading texts and videos 
    • In small groups, the students read academic texts at home using the reading techniques acquired and present them to the rest of the class
    • the audio input is analysed extensively and intensively
    • the vocabulary is practised using systematic oral exercises
    • the student makes an oral presentation using material from the course
    • the grammar is explained and practised using systematic exercises
    Teaching methods
    LANGL1855S (Biomedical Science):
    LANGL1855F (Pharmacy)
    • preparation : individual text reading (at home) following reading strategies.
    • extensive and intensive text analysis and commentary in class.
    • extensive and intensive exercises of video programmes.
    • explanations and exercises on verb forms.
    Evaluation methods
    LANGL1855S (Biomedical Science):
    1. Continuous assessment (40 %): Vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation tests, work on the online platform of the course; Presentations to be done in class
    2. Final written exam (60 %)
    3. The student will lose 25% of their grade of they are absent from class more than twice without any form of justification.
    The students’ awareness will be raised about the advantages and shortcomings of the use of generative AI in their oral and written production.
    LANGL1855F (Pharmacy):
    1. Continuous Assessment (50%) with the following weighting
    • Oral presentation (30%)
    • Vocabulary test based on ‘Professional English in Use (MEDICINE) written by Eric H. Glendinning and Ron Howard, published by Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978- 0-521-68201-5 (10%)
    • Active participation in class and on the Moodle platform  (10%)
    2.  Written exam (50%)
    Note that
    • it is possible to have a continuous assessment only if the student attends classes on a regular basis, consequantly the continuous assessment mark (50%) will be transformed into a zero if the students skips more than 2 classes without a medical justification
    • During the August/September session,the student who didn't reach the 50% pass mark to his/her continuous assessment will have to make, besides the written exam,  a 20-minute presentation based on a 10-15-page academic text, a copy of which should be sent to the teachers at the latest one week before the date scheduled for this part of the exam.
    Attendance at this language course is required. In accordance with article 72 of the General Regulations for Studies and Examinations, the teacher may propose to the jury that a student who has at least two unjustified absences per term for the course, be refused registration for the January, June or September session.
    Other information
    LANGL1855S (Biomedical Science):
    Volume of work:
    • Attendance: 30 hours
    • Self-study: 24 hours
    • maximum of 25 students per group
    • the teacher is available during his office hours and may be contacted by email
    LANGL1855F (Pharmacy):
    Volume of work:
    • Attendance: 30 hours
    • Self-study: 60 hours
    • maximum of 25 students per group
    • the teachers are available during their office hours and may be contacted by email
    Online resources
    LANGL1855S - English for Biomedical Science in Higher Education Studies – Course Book with audio CDs, 2015, John Chrimes, Garnet Education Publishing
    LANGL1855F - Professional English in Use (MEDICINE) written by Eric H. Glendinning and Ron Howard, published by Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978- 0-521-68201-5
    Teaching materials
    • LANGL1855S - English for Biomedical Science in Higher Education Studies – Course Book with audio CDs, 2015, John Chrimes, Garnet Education Publishing
    • Plateforme du cours sur Moodle UCLouvain
    • LANGL1855F - Professional English in Use (MEDICINE) written by Eric H. Glendinning and Ron Howard, published by Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978- 0-521-68201-5
    Faculty or entity

    Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

    Title of the programme
    Learning outcomes
    Approfondissement en sciences pharmaceutiques - recherche

    Bachelor in Biomedicine

    Bachelor in Pharmacy

    Additionnal module in Pharmacy