Angiosperm's development, reproduction and systematic

lbio1242  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Angiosperm's development, reproduction and systematic
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
3.00 credits
30.0 h + 15.0 h
To follow this course, it is necessary to master the knowledge and skills developed in the course LBIO1112
The structure, maintenance and functioning of the shoot apical meristem are studied. The genetic and physiological regulation of floral transition and floral morphogenesis (ABC model) are addressed as well as the development and functioning of the reproductive structures (inflorescences, flowers). The vegetative and sexual reproduction of Angiosperms is analyzed. The pollination processes, the pollen tube growth and fertilization mechanisms are described. Self-incompatibility systems are presented. Seed and fruit structure, formation and maturation are illustrated. Seed dormancy processes are studied. The different types of apomixis and their ecological importance are presented. The floral organography is detailed in order to introduce the student to the practical use of a flora and the identification of the main plants of our regions.
Teaching methods
theoretical lectures in auditorium and practical work in greenhouses, in laboratory and in the field
Evaluation methods
The final mark is made up of the mark of the theoretical examination (15 points), the mark of the herbarium (2.5 points) and the mark of the experimental practical work by groups (2.5 points). The mark of the experimental practical work is acquired definitively at the end of this work and is renewed at the August-September session if the student re-registers for the LBIO1242 assessment.  The theoretical exam is oral.  The experimental practical work is assessed by a group oral presentation and an individual written performance.  For these experimental lab sessions, students may be asked to assess themselves and other students in the group.  The results of this evaluation may be used to modulate the grade of the experimental exercises.
Failure to hand in the herbarium will result in a final mark of LBIO1242 which cannot exceed 5/20.  Participation in experimental practical work is compulsory. Any unjustified absence or absence for which justification has not been accepted will result in a penalty that may lead to a final mark of 0/20 for LBIO1242 for the academic year under consideration. In case of numerous and justified absences to experimental practical work, an alternative experimental work may be requested from the student
Online resources
website Biologie végé and flore en ligne
Teaching materials
  • notes de cours disponibles sur moodle
  • syllabus du cours
  • Anne-Laure Jacquemart et Charlotte Descamps, Flore écologique de Belgique, éditions De Boeck
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Biology

Minor in Biology

Bachelor in Biology, Anthropology and Archaeology