Functional ecology

lbio1317  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Functional ecology
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
2.00 credits
30.0 h
To follow this course, it is necessary to master the knowledge and skills developed in the courses LBIO1117 (Ecology I) et LBIO1223 (Molecular biology)
Main themes
In this advanced ecology course we cover aspects of individual and population ecology that are important in adaptation and evolution, such as ecophysiology, phenotypic plasticity, dispersal and life history variation.
In this advanced ecology course, we treat aspects of individual and population ecology that are important for adaptation: fitness and trade-offs between phenotypic traits, notably life-history traits, the importance of physiology, morphology, behaviour, key factors for fitness such as reproduction, and the role of phenotypic plasticity in adaptation. Being at the crossroads between different fields of Ecology and the underlying processes and mechanisms, this advanced course highlights the multidisciplinarity required to apprehend the life of an organism and/or population within its environment from a functional point of view. We will discuss experimental studies to illustrate the collection and analysis of data in functional ecology.
Teaching methods
Theoretical course with lectures.
Evaluation methods
Combined oral and written examination with three open questions on the material covered in the course, and one question on the interpretation of experimental results taken from the literature in the field. Preparation time 30 minutes, then 15 minutes interview with the teacher on the open questions. Interpretation of experimental results will be marked on the preparation paper. Each question will be marked out of 5.
Other information
The course will be taught in English, but questions can be asked in French. The course will be presented in three parts: ex-cathedra courses to understand the basics, "seminar" courses for discussion around scientific articles, and courses on the implementation of experimental protocols dedicated to functional ecology.
Online resources
The contents of the course and announcements are available on Moodle: LBIO1317 on Moodle
Livre de référence "Ecologie, l'économie de la nature» par Ricklefs et Relyea (2019), disponible à la biliothèque des Sciences et en ligne pour les étudiants inscrits à UCLouvain.
Teaching materials
  • Ecologie (l'économie de la nature) de Ricklefs et Relyea
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Scientific Culture

Bachelor in Biology

Bachelor in Biology, Anthropology and Archaeology