Stages d'enseignement en biologie (en ce compris le séminaire d'intégration des stages)

lbio2310  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Stages d'enseignement en biologie (en ce compris le séminaire d'intégration des stages)
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
7.00 credits
15.0 h + 40.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Professional integration activity
In order to begin the secondary school internships, the student must have passed each of the D2 tests organized in October and November as part of the LBIO2340C, LCHM2340C and LPHYS2471C courses that are part of his or her EAP: the test in biology (D2 subject) must have been passed with a minimum of 14/20; the tests in chemistry and/or physics (D2 subjects) must have been passed with a minimum of 12/20.
To be able to complete all the secondary school internships, the student must have passed the D3 test in biology organised in February as part of the LBIO2340D course (D3 subject) with a minimum of 14/20.
Main themes
he LBIO2310 seminar (15h = 8 x 2h) is a compulsory seminar for students registered for the AESS in Biology.
The topics covered are :
  •     The vademecum which specifies the expectations of the training courses and the instructions for the realization of a portfolio
  •     The management of a course sequence from a pedagogical and didactic point of view
  •     The specificities of teaching and learning methods
  •     Specificities of course preparations: didactic preparations, student documents, table sheets,...
  •     The development of different types of evaluation (criteria, indicators, etc.)
  •     Exchanges of experiences during training courses: sharing of difficulties and strengths and avenues for reflection.
The aim of these seminars is to prepare students for their teaching internship. The latter, in addition to 10 hours of observation, consists of 30 hours of active internship, equally distributed in two educational institutions, in upper secondary classes. Each of these two placements will be supervised by a UCLouvain-approved placement supervisor.
During their first placement, students will be required to teach mainly 2nd grade (4th year) biology, chemistry and physics.
During their second internship, students will be required to teach 3rd grade, mainly in biology.
In addition to the two internships in secondary schools, students have to do 5 hours of tutoring and 5 hours of animation related to science promotion.
This teaching unit consists of "equipping" students to become future science and biology teachers by having them put into practice, in the context of their internships, all the theoretical elements discussed in the didactic courses and the seminar.
The internships are of different types:
- Two internships (each consisting of 5h of observation and 15h of lectures) are organized in two different schools, in the upper secondary level, both in biology (mostly), and in chemistry and physics; the internship masters approved by the UCLouvain are chosen by the internship coordinators;
- A 5-hour internship as a tutor for students who have difficulties in biology;
- A 5-hour extracurricular activity (as part of the Printemps des sciences or another type of event).
Teaching methods
Teaching activities will be provided by the course instructor, primarily in co-construction with students.
Evaluation methods
Students enrolled in this seminar will be assessed as follows:
- Activity 1: A personal portfolio, including reflective work, will be created on the basis of input from classroom sessions and internship experiences: 20% of the final grade.
- Activity 2: An internship grade will be established in consultation with the internship supervisors, the teacher and the teaching staff: 80% of the final grade.
Each of the 2 activities must be passed with a mark equal to or higher than 10/20 for this UE to be passed. The absorbent mark principle is applied to this UE.
Attendance at the seminar is required. In accordance with article 72 of the General Regulations for Studies and Examinations, course instructors may propose to the jury that a student who has not attended at least 80% of the seminars in the June or September session be refused registration.
Other information
In order to begin the secondary school internships, the student must have passed each of the D2 tests held in October and November in LBIO2340C, LCHM3440C, and LPHYS2471C, which are part of the student's EAP: The test in biology (D2 subject) must have been passed with a minimum of 14/20; the tests in chemistry and/or physics (D2 subjects) must have been passed with a minimum of 12/20.
In order to complete the secondary school internships, the student must have passed the D3 test in biology organized in February in the course LBIO2340D (D3 subject) with a minimum of 14/20.
Online resources
On moodle, acronym, LBIO2310.
The site contains the documents presented and used during the seminar and allows the deposit of student productions.
Des ouvrages en relation avec les disciplines enseignées et avec la pratique seront présentés lors des cours.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Biology