The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
3.00 credits
22.5 h + 22.5 h
Gaigneaux Eric (coordinator); Gonze Xavier;
> English-friendly
> English-friendly
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Introduction to quantum mechanics (14 h + 12 h): Experimental and theoretical bases. Resolution of Schrödinger equation for simple cases, with one particle (potential well, harmonic oscillator, rigid rotator, hydrogenoid atoms). Approximate treatment: polyelectronic atoms, H2+ molecular ion, diatomic molecules. Molecular dynamics and chemical bonding notions.
Basis of spectroscopy (10 h + 8 h): Distinctions between spectrocopy and spectrometry, spectroscopies of absorption vs emission. Basis of spectroscopies : rotation, vibration, libration, rotational and vibrational Raman, UVVis, XPS, resonance techniques (mostly EPR).
Basis of spectroscopy (10 h + 8 h): Distinctions between spectrocopy and spectrometry, spectroscopies of absorption vs emission. Basis of spectroscopies : rotation, vibration, libration, rotational and vibrational Raman, UVVis, XPS, resonance techniques (mostly EPR).
Teaching methods
Magistral classes and exercices sessions.
Evaluation methods
At the written examination, which is "with closed book", several questions of theory and problems are presented to the students. They demonstrate their knowledge by explaining the corresponding content of the course, and their ability to exploit this knowledge by solving the problems.
For the spectroscopy, are more more specificially proposed exercices that require the exploitation of the features of a spectrum in order to infer the characteristics of the sample that has generated it (and vice versa : prediction of a spectrum from the sample characteristics). Recognition of a spectroscopic technique used to generate a given spectrum is also a pilar of the evaluation.
Typically the global note is established on a basis of 30 points, coming for 20 of them from the evaluation of the knowledge of the student on the quantum mechanics part, and 10 of them on the spectrocopy part, and then reduced to 20 points.
For the spectroscopy, are more more specificially proposed exercices that require the exploitation of the features of a spectrum in order to infer the characteristics of the sample that has generated it (and vice versa : prediction of a spectrum from the sample characteristics). Recognition of a spectroscopic technique used to generate a given spectrum is also a pilar of the evaluation.
Typically the global note is established on a basis of 30 points, coming for 20 of them from the evaluation of the knowledge of the student on the quantum mechanics part, and 10 of them on the spectrocopy part, and then reduced to 20 points.
Other information
Online resources
The slides of the lecture are available on the moddle of the course.
- Notes de cours (syllabus) disponibles sur le moodle.
Teaching materials
- Slides disponibles sur le moodle.
Faculty or entity