Integrated project in water and soil resources management

lbire2233  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Integrated project in water and soil resources management
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
6.00 credits
40.0 h + 8.0 h
PLEASE NOTE: this course may NOT be taken without first enrolling in LBRES2206 'Advanced hydrology for engineers'.
A concrete problem related to water and soil management (flooding, mudflows, soil erosion, hydraulics, etc.) and different each year is submitted by field workers or teachers. The students work in groups of 3-5 to solve the problem they are given. Carrying out the project involves individual work, teamwork and regular meetings with the teachers who guide them and, if necessary, with external resource people. The project report is handed in during the last week of the Q1 course and defended orally during the examination session.
The hydrological and hydraulic modelling tools that the student will use as part of this project will be introduced as part of the course LBRES2206 'Advanced hydrology for engineers'.
Teaching methods
During the first week of the term, the organisation of the course is introduced, the student groups are formed, the specific problems of the project are set out, the expected results are explained and the various players and stakeholders are identified.
Following a site visit and/or a meeting with the key players, the students themselves define a detailed specification for the project, the activities to be undertaken and the timetable. From the third week onwards, the students carry out this schedule.
Monthly meetings (or more frequent ones, at the students' request) with the supervisors enable the execution of the various stages to be monitored. In week 14, the students submit their report. The project is presented and defended orally as a group during the January session.
Evaluation methods
PLEASE NOTE: this course may NOT be taken without first enrolling in LBRES2206 'Advanced hydrology for engineers'.
Multi-criteria assessment of the project report (quality of the technical solutions provided, quality of the report presentation) and the presentation and oral defence of the project (quality of the presentation and answers to questions).  
Part of the mark may be awarded on the basis of the intermediate presentations during the term. The final grade may be adjusted based on the perceived involvement of each student in his/her group
Online resources
See Moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Civil Engineering

Master [120] in Environmental Bioengineering