The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
2.00 credits
30.0 h
Ponette Quentin (coordinator); Vincke Caroline;
> English-friendly
> English-friendly
Precursory courses: core courses of the Master in Forests and natural Areas Engineering
Main themes
. Main concepts:
This course consists in a one week field trip in a foreign country (or in Belgium) during which students may compare their theoretical knowledge to field cases and current practices in their overall complexity. During this field trip, students are encouraged to consider the topics in an integrated manner, to use an inter-disciplinarity approach and to reason in a long term perspective. The visits cover numerous fields such as forest ecology, silviculture, forest planning, wood industry, nature conservation, habitat restoration and management, ''Each visit is organized with an expert able to give valuable information on the presented subject.
Topics are complementary to those seen during the two study years. A special attention is given to the choice of stakeholders to enable students to meet the wide range of stakeholders active in the professional world.
This course consists in a one week field trip in a foreign country (or in Belgium) during which students may compare their theoretical knowledge to field cases and current practices in their overall complexity. During this field trip, students are encouraged to consider the topics in an integrated manner, to use an inter-disciplinarity approach and to reason in a long term perspective. The visits cover numerous fields such as forest ecology, silviculture, forest planning, wood industry, nature conservation, habitat restoration and management, ''Each visit is organized with an expert able to give valuable information on the presented subject.
Topics are complementary to those seen during the two study years. A special attention is given to the choice of stakeholders to enable students to meet the wide range of stakeholders active in the professional world.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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a. Contribution de l'activité au référentiel AA (AA du programme) M1.4, M1.5, M2.4, M2.5, M3.8, M4.1, M4.3, M5.8, M6.6, M7.1, M7.2, M7.3, M7.4 b. Formulation spécifique pour cette activité des AA du programme (maximum 10) At the end of this course, students will be able to : - understand the overall functioning of the sector related to the management of forests and natural areas in terms of actors and interactions with other sectors, based on a chain and systemic approach; - analyze, compare and criticize different techniques or strategies in forest planning and in habitat restoration and management, integrating all technical, economic, ecological and legal constraints; - develop interactions with professionals, discuss about divergent point of views and ensure an original and personal synthesis ; - reason complex management problems at various time and spatial scales. |
1. Table of contents
Not Applicable
2. Additional informations
Concrete situations are presented to students by field experts (or teachers), covering topics related to silviculture, timber industries, nature conservation and environmental protection issues. Students actively participate in the exchange.
Not Applicable
2. Additional informations
Concrete situations are presented to students by field experts (or teachers), covering topics related to silviculture, timber industries, nature conservation and environmental protection issues. Students actively participate in the exchange.
Teaching methods
The one-week trip allows to analyze a set of case studies covering the diversity of themes and achievements related to the management of forests and natural areas, including valorization by the wood chain industries. Active participation of students is highly encouraged (observations, surveys, measures, planning). The students are invited to interview the experts and to participate to the debates.
Evaluation methods
Participation to the whole field trip, as well as all other activities organized as part of this course, is required. In agreement with Article 72 of the General Regulations for Studies and Examinations, the lecturers may propose to the jury to oppose the registration for the examination of a student who has not complied with this obligation.
The assessment includes two different parts:
- preparation, by group of students, of a ppt support on a field trip theme selected among a list, oral presentation and answering of questions. Each group provides the complete list of sources used for the development of the power point, in a format meeting the requirements of a scientific document. In case of AI use, the student will explicitly indicate the parts concerned and the way in which the AI was used (information research, writing of the text, correction). The assessment of this activity takes place outside the session, typically the week before the field trip, and accounts for a third of the final grade; it includes a collective and individual component.
- individual oral exam without preparation. The evaluation consists in an oral discussion with the teachers on particular subjects analyzed during the field trip. Special attention is given to the ability of the student to: make a documented synthesis, mobilize various skills to analyse problems, critically compare management approaches / strategies. This assessment takes place during the session, and accounts for two thirds of the final grade.
The assessment includes two different parts:
- preparation, by group of students, of a ppt support on a field trip theme selected among a list, oral presentation and answering of questions. Each group provides the complete list of sources used for the development of the power point, in a format meeting the requirements of a scientific document. In case of AI use, the student will explicitly indicate the parts concerned and the way in which the AI was used (information research, writing of the text, correction). The assessment of this activity takes place outside the session, typically the week before the field trip, and accounts for a third of the final grade; it includes a collective and individual component.
- individual oral exam without preparation. The evaluation consists in an oral discussion with the teachers on particular subjects analyzed during the field trip. Special attention is given to the ability of the student to: make a documented synthesis, mobilize various skills to analyse problems, critically compare management approaches / strategies. This assessment takes place during the session, and accounts for two thirds of the final grade.
Other information
- Students who take this course as an option or anticipate it, are invited to contact the coordinator before setting up their programme to ensure that they have the required skills. In particular, students of the master degree in bioscience engineering 'Management of forests and natural areas' must have acquired sufficient skills in: ecology, soil science, analysis of vegetation, forest management, management of habitats and species, wood science, wood processing and industries.
- The field trip involves intensive walking. Students who would suffer from a mobility problem are invited to notify the coordinator at the very beginning of the academic year to anticipate possible adaptations.
- This course is committed to transition and sustainable development.
- The field trip involves intensive walking. Students who would suffer from a mobility problem are invited to notify the coordinator at the very beginning of the academic year to anticipate possible adaptations.
- This course is committed to transition and sustainable development.
Online resources
Les supports utiles à la tournée (diapositives power point et documents de référence) sont mis à disposition de l'étudiant sur Moodle
Faculty or entity