The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
3.00 credits
30.0 h
> French-friendly
> French-friendly
BIR 1230 - Engineering biosphere (or equivalent)
Main themes
- Emergence of the concept of Agroecology and historical process.
- Diversity of world food systems.
- Foresight approaches of Agriculture (Agrimonde, Afterres 2050)
- The principles of agroecology: ecological, socio-economic and methodological principles.
- Comparative approach for alternative agricultures: industrial agriculture, conventional farming, organic farming, sustainable agriculture, ecologically intensive agriculture.
- Examples of applications of agroecology in production and consumption systems in North and South.
- Diversity of world food systems.
- Foresight approaches of Agriculture (Agrimonde, Afterres 2050)
- The principles of agroecology: ecological, socio-economic and methodological principles.
- Comparative approach for alternative agricultures: industrial agriculture, conventional farming, organic farming, sustainable agriculture, ecologically intensive agriculture.
- Examples of applications of agroecology in production and consumption systems in North and South.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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a. Contribution from operations AA repository program M1.1., M2.1., M4.4. b. Specific formulation for this activity AA program At the end of this course, the student is able to: - Understand the conceptual foundations and methods of agroecology including the concept of food systems. - Discuss the diverse trajectories of agriculture - Evaluate a system in its agro-ecological dimensions - Position the various alternative modes of agriculture |
Teaching methods
The course is given in the form of lectures alternating theory and concrete examples. On specific themes, students will present their work during student seminars. The course will be given in English, and students are encouraged to engage in interactions during the class. They will be required to read selected publications in advance of two sessions of the class in order to function in inverted class mode; this will take place during the second half of the semester. In collaboration with the FAO, a session of the course will be devoted to the TAPE (Tool for agroecology performance evaluation) evaluation module.
Evaluation methods
The assessment will be based on group work (50%), participation during class (10%) and a written exam (40%).
Other information
"The course" is comprised of three elements : (i) the series of lectures; (ii) slides (available on moodle) and other teaching aids they referred to, such as video excerpts, and (iii) required readings (see below).
The exam may involve contents of any of these three, at the exception of concepts and contents exposed in required readings but which have not been taught during the class.
The exam may involve contents of any of these three, at the exception of concepts and contents exposed in required readings but which have not been taught during the class.
Faculty or entity