Politics of Memory (en-ligne) - Enseignante: Valérie Rosoux

lcert2200  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Politics of Memory (en-ligne) - Enseignante: Valérie Rosoux
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

The course pursues two main goals in terms of knowledge:
  • On the one hand, it tends to give a complete picture of the theoretical approaches to memory politics. In this regard, the course underlines analytical tools to understand the articulation between the weight of the past and the political uses of the past. It pays a particular attention to the long-term consequences of international and intercommunity conflicts.
  • On the other hand, the course questions the concrete practices that are at the intersection between politics and memory. To do so, each module of the course examines specific tensions, dilemmas or even contradictions faced by memory entrepreneurs (official representatives, NGO workers involved in conflict resolution or transitional justice, representatives of victims’ associations…).
Both dimensions will help participants to draw up major lessons for both theory and practice.
Skills: analyze and argue!
    • Analyze
      • Comprehension of a large variety of mechanisms established in order to deal with the past. Ability to question the scope and the limits of Memory Politics.
      • demonstrable outcome:  Essay based on the application of analytical distinctions and conceptual tools to one specific case study (be in a national or international framework).
    • Argue
      • Ability to adopt and defend a particular position towards a memory conflict 
      • demonstrable outcome:  Video of a speech by a spokesperson (official representative such a Chief of State, Prime Minister or Ambassador, NGO worker)
Teaching methods
  • Teaching activities: videos, PowerPoint (to be created) readings, audio, exercises (simulation, role play), interviews of key scholars and practitioners.
  • Each module will start with a video or audio to trigger a problem-solving scenario.
  • Each module will end with a particular challenge (quiz, exercise, short essay) to check that all notions and processes seen in the module are understood.
  • Interactive dynamics: interactions with participants (individual and collective) and interactions between participant
Evaluation methods
  • Evaluation: Essay (Bibliography + One page summary after W8; written essay given at W13)
Online resources
Course outlines
Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Weight and Choice of the Past
Module 3: Individual and Official Memories
Module 4: European Memory
Module 5: Intergenerational Transmission
Module 6: Conflict Resolution
Module 7: Reconciliation
Module 8: Transitional Justice
Module 9: Forgiveness
Module 10: Reparation
Module 11: Restitution
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Political Sciences: International Relations [Modalité en ligne]