Séminaire en communication

lcomu1333  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Séminaire en communication
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
7.5 h + 10.0 h
Q1 and Q2
The seminar aims to familiarise students with the world of public relations and strategic communication in organisations: its dimensions, actors and practices. It also aims to develop students' attention to the profession and society, an essential aspect of their training in the professions of organisational communication and public relations.
Teaching methods
Introductory and introductory sessions; work supervision and coaching sessions in person or remotely via the platforms.
Evaluation methods
Continuous assessment. The final grade is derived from the activities carried out during the two terms.
First term (more details will be given at the beginning of the seminar):
- Written evaluation on the content of lectures on various sectors of communication (4/20).
- Written evaluation on the methodological approach to interviews to be conducted in a professional communication environment (8/20).
- Written report on the chosen associative field (8/20).
Second term (more precise information will be given later):
- Written evaluation on the content of lectures on various communication sectors (4/20).
- Written report on the analysis of interviews conducted in a professional communication environment (8/20).
- Written report on the comparative analysis of the chosen associative field (8/20).
These different evaluation activities may be adapted and modified according to the evolution of health conditions.
Second session: Students who have an overall deficiency rating will be required to re-sit the parts of the seminar for which they have a deficiency rating. Detailed instructions for the second session will be published on Moodle.

Teaching materials
  • Des supports de cours seront mis à disposition sur Moodle UCL
Faculty or entity