The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
The course will offer a critical description and presentation of the advertising industry, ranging from production areas through mediatisation campaigns and activities, to recipient populations. It will also present various analytical methods and methodological approaches to enable students to understand the many aspects of the discourse and of advertising strategies. There will be a special focus on a comparative study of the various parts of the media used by advertising.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1. | Identify advertisements as a global phenomenon, and to understand them in their institutional, meaningful and communicational dimensions and in their various media crystallisations ; |
2.. | Have acquired the conceptual and methodological means to conduct analyses in, and critical interpretations of, various media forms of advertising communication, in addition to a good knowledge of the pole of production (the world of advertising). |
The course aims to provide students with effective theoretical, conceptual and methodological tools for the production of a semiotic-communicational analysis of communicative productions. In particular, this course aims to enable students to learn how to carry out a semiotic analysis of one or more websites in an autonomous way.
To do so, the course presents :
- the basic notions and concepts of semiotics, with a view to its application to the digital world;
- a reflection on a series of important concepts and notions for understanding the digital world from a semiotic point of view (in particular, the screen as text, multimedia, and the distinction between text and paratext);
- the components of a semiotic analysis grid for analysing websites.
To do so, the course presents :
- the basic notions and concepts of semiotics, with a view to its application to the digital world;
- a reflection on a series of important concepts and notions for understanding the digital world from a semiotic point of view (in particular, the screen as text, multimedia, and the distinction between text and paratext);
- the components of a semiotic analysis grid for analysing websites.
Teaching methods
Lectures, reading of texts, accompanied exercises, practical work.
Evaluation methods
2 points: active course attendance (precise details will be communicated at the beginning of the course).
4 points: production of a written report analyzing a website, carried out as a group. Participation in group work is compulsory.
14 points: individual written examination. In the event of failure to pass this part of the assessment (less than 7 points out of 14), this mark automatically becomes the overall mark.
Second session: the 2 points for active course attendance cannot be recovered, and are retained for the second session if obtained. If all students in a working group are required to retake the exam, they must redo the analysis work and submit a new group analysis report (which counts for 4 points), in addition to the in-session individual written exam; if only one or more members have a deficiency rating, they must resubmit only the in-session individual written exam (which counts for 14 points), and in this case the part of the rating relating to the group analysis report is retained. Also in the second session, in the event of a deficiency in the individual written exam (less than 7 points out of 14), this rating automatically becomes the overall rating.
The use of artificial intelligence in the assessment tests for this course is governed by the rules set out in the faculty memorandum on the subject, which is available on the faculty intranet in the information for students section (see
4 points: production of a written report analyzing a website, carried out as a group. Participation in group work is compulsory.
14 points: individual written examination. In the event of failure to pass this part of the assessment (less than 7 points out of 14), this mark automatically becomes the overall mark.
Second session: the 2 points for active course attendance cannot be recovered, and are retained for the second session if obtained. If all students in a working group are required to retake the exam, they must redo the analysis work and submit a new group analysis report (which counts for 4 points), in addition to the in-session individual written exam; if only one or more members have a deficiency rating, they must resubmit only the in-session individual written exam (which counts for 14 points), and in this case the part of the rating relating to the group analysis report is retained. Also in the second session, in the event of a deficiency in the individual written exam (less than 7 points out of 14), this rating automatically becomes the overall rating.
The use of artificial intelligence in the assessment tests for this course is governed by the rules set out in the faculty memorandum on the subject, which is available on the faculty intranet in the information for students section (see
Bibliographie indicative
Supports sur l'analyse du web et des sites web
"Sémiotique du récit", N. Everaert-Desmedt, Deboeck, 2007.
"Le webdesign. Sociale expérience des interfaces web", N. Pignier, B. Drouillat, Hermès-Lavoisier, 2008.
"Sémiotique mode d'emploi", J.-J. Boutaud et K. Berthelot-Guiet, Le bord de l'eau, 2014.
"Introduction à l'analyse de l'image", M. Joly, Armand Colin, 3ème éd. 2015.
"Site internet : audit et stratégie", Sébastien Rouquette (dir.), De Boeck supérieur, 2017.
"Le numérique comme écriture. Théories et méthodes d'analyse", Emmanuel Souchier, Etienne Candel, Valérie
Jeanne-Perrier, Gustavo Gomez-Mejia, Armand Colin, 2019.
"Analyse des sites web", Luc Massou et al., ISTE, 2022.
Autres références utiles sur l'analyse des productions communicationnelles (analyse du discours, sémiotique)
Supports sur l'analyse du web et des sites web
"Sémiotique du récit", N. Everaert-Desmedt, Deboeck, 2007.
"Le webdesign. Sociale expérience des interfaces web", N. Pignier, B. Drouillat, Hermès-Lavoisier, 2008.
"Sémiotique mode d'emploi", J.-J. Boutaud et K. Berthelot-Guiet, Le bord de l'eau, 2014.
"Introduction à l'analyse de l'image", M. Joly, Armand Colin, 3ème éd. 2015.
"Site internet : audit et stratégie", Sébastien Rouquette (dir.), De Boeck supérieur, 2017.
"Le numérique comme écriture. Théories et méthodes d'analyse", Emmanuel Souchier, Etienne Candel, Valérie
Jeanne-Perrier, Gustavo Gomez-Mejia, Armand Colin, 2019.
"Analyse des sites web", Luc Massou et al., ISTE, 2022.
Autres références utiles sur l'analyse des productions communicationnelles (analyse du discours, sémiotique)
- Amossy, Ruth. 2014. « L’éthos et ses doubles contemporains. Perspectives disciplinaires ». Langage et societe n° 149 (3): 13‑30.
- Barthes, Roland. 1964. « Rhétorique de l’image ». Communications 4 (1): 40‑51.
- Berthelot-Guiet, Karine. 2015. Analyser les discours publicitaires. ICOM. Série Discours et communication. Paris: Armand Colin.
- Bonhomme, Marc (éd.). Les nouveaux discours publicitaires. Semen 36,
- Cardon, Dominique. 2019. « La publicité en ligne ». In Culture numérique, 310‑20. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.
- Dano, Florence. 2005. « Du système de valeurs au produit: apports de la sémiotique au développement marketing des produits ». In Les objets au quotidien, édité par J. Fontanille et A. Zinna, 59‑78. Nouveaux actes sémiotiques / dirigée par Jacques Fontanille. Limoges: Pulim.Everaert-Desmedt, Nicole. 2007. "Sémiotique du récit". Deboeck.
- Floch, Jean-Marie. 1990. Sémiotique, marketing et communication: sous les signes, les stratégies. Formes sémiotiques. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
- ———. 1995. Identités visuelles. Formes sémiotiques. Paris: PUF - Presses Universitaires de France.
- Heilbrunn, Benoît. 2006 [2001]. Le logo. Que sais-je ? 3586. Paris: PUF - Presses Universitaires de France. Notamment : "Les différents types de logos", pp. 86-107.
- Joly, Martine. 2016. L’image et les signes. 2e édition. Cinéma/arts visuels. Paris: Armand Colin.
- Krieg-Planque, Alice. 2017. Analyser les discours institutionnels. Nouvelle présentation. ICOM. Discours et communication. Malakoff (Hauts-de-Seine): Armand Colin.
- Lugrin, Gilles. 2006. Généricité et intertextualité dans le discours publicitaire de presse écrite. Peter Lang.
- Montserrat, Diaz López. 2006. « L’hétérogénéité du discours publicitaire ». Langage et sociéte n° 116 (2): 129‑45.
- Saemmer, Alexandra. 2015. Rhétorique du texte numérique: figures de la lecture, anticipations de pratiques. Lyon: Presses de l’Enssib.
- Charaudeau, Patrick. 2014. "Qu'est-ce qu'une situation de communication?", Canal U.
- Id., 2014. "La rupture du contrat de communication", Canal U.
Teaching materials
- Portefeuille de lecture (Moodle)
- Supports du cours (PPT et/ou vidéos enregistrées sur Moodle)
- Calendrier des activités du cours (Moodle)
Faculty or entity