Inter-cultural communication

lcomu2606  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Inter-cultural communication
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
The course aims to throw light, from a pragmatic and analytical angle, on the processes involved in communications between people of different cultures, and to offer tools that are appropriate for such an analysis.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1. Sensitize the students with the intercultural communication and, overall, with the intercultural dimension of the contemporary companies ;
2. Determine the requirements of a pragmatic approach of the situations of communication between people of different cultures.
This course aims to provide benchmarks and tools for critically and reflectively addressing the issues underlying the notion of 'interculturality', and for reflecting on the issues (societal, professional) that arise from it in terms of communication.
The course will take an interdisciplinary approach, with contributions from sociology, anthropology, social psychology, political science, philosophy and history. It will focus on the analysis of the socio-political stakes of cultural, national and ethno-racial issues, with an emphasis on the socio-historical problem of social relations (relations of domination, (de)colonisation, etc.).
The course will address various aspects of these issues. While the aim is to familiarise ourselves with the question (and the literature) of 'intercultural communication', and to understand the conditions under which it emerged, the main aim will be to deconstruct this notion by taking into account its aporias and blind spots, using the paradigm of ethnicity to do so. This will enable us to re-read the questions posed in terms of 'culture' from the angle of interactions and power relations between socio-ethnic groups. This approach will be applied to various themes.
Teaching methods
The course is built around a threefold logic:
Progression: each session will address a different dimension of the course's problematic, but will always be linked to the others. On the one hand, the aim is to make the problematisation of the issues more complex as the term progresses, and to enable students to develop and structure a critical reflection on the course's objectives along the way. On the other hand, the aim is to approach the issues in different ways, taking into account the variety of communication sectors and activities.
Combining several approaches: self-study (in particular with a requirement to read or prepare the sessions); theoretical and methodological contributions; situational exercises; confrontation-discussion-cooperation between students.
Collective reflexivity: taking into account the questions worked on in the course in order to understand the dynamics and act on the relationships within the "class group".
Evaluation methods
The aim of the assessment is to attest to the reflective and critical work carried out by the students in order to appropriate the paradigm of ethnicity in the development of their (future) professional positioning. The assessment will be based on the production by the students of a communication medium (video, podcast, summary sheet, micro-survey, etc.) presenting one of the concepts worked on in the course, illustrating one or more of the issues that this concept covers in the professional field of communication, and giving advice to peers on how to take these issues into account and/or adapt their practice.
Online resources
Specific bibliographical resources for each of the ten sessions will be available in advance and permanently on Moodle. The materials used (powerpoint, case studies, etc.) will be gradually made available on Moodle as the course progresses.
BERRIER Astrid (2003), Conversations francophones. A la recherche d'une communication interculturelle, Paris, L'Harmattan.
CERVULLE Maxime (2013), Dans le blanc des yeux. Diversité, racisme et médias‪, Paris, Editions Amsterdam.
CUCHE Denys (1996), La notion de culture dans les sciences sociales, Paris, La Découverte.
DELPHY Christine (2007), Classer, dominer. Qui sont les « autres » ?, Paris, La Fabrique éditions.
FRAME Alexander (2013), Communication et interculturalité. Cultures et interactions interpersonnelles‪, Paris, Hermès/Lavoisier.
GOFFMAN Erving (1991), Les cadres de l’expérience, Paris, Editions de Minuit.
KUNERT Stéphanie (2014), Publicité, genre et stéréotypes, Fontenay-le-Comte, Lussaud.
LADMIRAL Jean-René, LIPIANSKY Edmond Marc (1989), La communication interculturelle, Paris, Armand Colin.
LORCERIE Françoise (2003), « Le paradigme de l'ethnicité », in L'école et le défi technique. Éducation et intégration, Paris, ESF Editeur, pp.19-98.
RIGONI Isabelle (dir.) (2007), Qui a peur de la télévision en couleurs ? La diversité culturelle dans les médias, Montreuil, Editions Aux lieux d'être.
SCOTT James C. (2009), La domination et les arts de la résistance. Fragments du discours subalterne, Paris, Editions Amsterdam.
WIMMER Andreas (2013), Ethnic Boundary Making: Institutions, Power, Networks, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Revue Hermès (2008) « L’épreuve de la diversité culturelle », n°51.
― (2019), « Les stéréotypes, encore et toujours », n°83.
Revue Etudes de communication (2020), « Les images au cœur des rapports sociaux. Vers de nouveaux régimes de représentation et de visibilité ? », n°54.
Revue Raisons politiques (2009), « Usages de la diversité », n°35.
Revue Réseaux (2020), « Médias et racialisation », n° 223.
Teaching materials
  • Le syllabus sera remis en début de cours
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Multilingual Communication

Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : French as a Foreign Language

Master [120] in Communication

Master [60] in Information and Communication