The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
6.00 credits
60.0 h + 12.0 h
Main themes
As suggested above, the course is both conceptual and factual. However, rather than opposing theory to practice, it endeavours to show how theory can be used to improve our understanding of facts and policies. The course is addressed to law students, for whom it constitutes the only instruction in the field. As a consequence, the course is intended to cover as many aspects of economics as possible. In the process, the relationships between law and economics are systematically highlighted. The course is taught as a series of lectures by the tutor for two hours a week each, supplemented by review sessions with teaching assistants.A textbook is used to cover the entire material of the course.
The course is given by the professor and assistants. Sessions with the professor are given if necessary in "comodal" mode, following the guidelines of the faculty. Sessions with the assistants are given, a priori, in class tooms, but with adapted timeline and procedures if necessary. Moreover, videos, podcasts and animated slides are also available on Moodle. In function of the circumstances, these modalities could be adapted. The curse covers the basic concepts used in economics in order to understand the functionning of an economy, from both the micro and macro point of view. In any case, time is devoted to the explanation of the concepts, to examples and to the links between the concepts.
Teaching methods
In auditorium and/or in comodal mode (first semester, Thuesday and Thursday, 8.30am - 10.30 am) and exercices in classrooms (see your agenda). VIdeos, podcasts and animated slides are also part of the teaching activities
Evaluation methods
3 sessions are organised, as legally permitted. There is a written exam with multiple choice questions and open questions. In function of the Covid situation, the exam could be given virtually through Moodle, following the same principles. In January, bonus points can be earned depending on the participation to short multiple choice test organised befor each exercices session.
Other information
All the details about the course and the needed material are available on Moodle. Students will also find exam corrections and example of exam questions.
Online resources
All the slides are available on Moodle and at the course-service if needed. Videos, Podcasts and animated slides are also available and are part of the course. A smart textbook is also recommanded (see bibliography)
Un bon ouvrage de référence en économie aidera l'étudiant à la compréhension des concepts. Le cours suit une partie des chapitres de l'ouvrage de Mankiw, G et M. Taylor, Principes d'économie, de Boeck. Tous les détails et d'autres sources sont présents sur Moodle.
Teaching materials
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Faculty or entity