The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
8.00 credits
90.0 h
Main themes
The law of obligations is the branch of law that sets out the general theory of relations between creditors and debtors. The main body of the subject is to be found in Books 5 and 6 of the Civil Code. The main elements of this general theory are as follows: - introductory considerations: notion of obligation, sources, place in the legal system, links with the economic system, evolution; - contractual obligations: notion of contract, formation, effects, regime of non-performance, interpretation, extinction; - unilateral commitment of will; - extra-contractual liability: foundations of civil liability, fault, causality, damage, grounds for exoneration, special regimes, reparation of damage; - other sources of obligation: quasi-contracts, commitments by unilateral declaration of will, appearance; - transmission of obligations, terms of obligations, proof, extinction of obligations. The incumbent will be responsible for coordinating application exercises. Lectures may be supplemented by other teaching methods. 14 hours of compulsory practical exercises enable students to develop a practical approach to the subject. Sessions are prepared by the student. The assistant assesses the student's performance. In consultation with the center's president, the teaching assistant ensures that the practical exercises are coherent with the lectures, including the assessment.
Précis (Droit des obligations. Vol. 1. Théorie générale du contrat, 3e éd., Bruxelles, Larcier, 2021), disponible au service-cours (et ailleurs dans le commerce ).
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