The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
" Sources
" Relationship between IHL and HR
" Concept of Armed Conflicts
" Core principles of Humanitarian Law and the Law of Armed Conflicts
" Law of Belligerant Occupation
" Application of IHL to Peacekeeping Missions
" Enforcement of International Humanitarian Law
" International and Domestic Repressions of Violations of International Humanitarian Law
" Ius in Bello and Ius ad Bellum
" Amnesty
Other information
The course will be taught in an interactive manner. Students will be invited to actively take part in the discussion in class. The course will be based upon a collection of documents embodying the major international conventions pertaining to international humanitarian law, the relevant case-law of national and international tribunals as well as literature by the most prominent authors. A passive knowledge of English is required.
Faculty or entity