The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Main themes
From Commercial Law to Economic Law:
- the tradesman's statute (company registration , operation of the Commercial Court system, application of accountancy law , possibility for legal settlement, risk of bankruptcy)
- the commercial act regime
- competition law
- consumer protection
Company law:
- why found a company
- constituent components of a company
- study of public limited companies
- outline of other forms of companies
- restructuring and liquidation
- overview of taxation in Belgium and in Europe
- key aspects of corporation tax
- aspects of personal income tax.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | Economic activity is conducted within a framework governed by legal provisions. The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to the relevant standards, and more generally, to encourage them to take the legal dimension of economic problems into account. Given the complexity, contingency, instability even, which are typical of legal provisions, it is particularly important that students develop the reflex of consulting the texts. While the course requires students to learn a significant amount of the subject matter by heart, the crucial test of whether students have acquired really valuable knowledge lies in their ability to apply the ideas taught in class to concrete situations |
The course develops three main themes: economic law (including competition law, consumer protection and insolvency of enterprises); company law; taxation (overview of taxes in Belgium and Europe, the basic concepts of corporate tax and individuals taxation).
Teaching methods
Ex cathedra lessons and/or inversed class-rooms and/or personal study of some questions.
Evaluation methods
Written evaluation during the various sessions under the form of multiple choices.
Other information
Course entry requirements: Students should have had a course introducing them to the Belgian or at least Civil law principles.
M. De Wolf et G. de Pierpont, Eléments de droit économique, Anthémis, dernière édition disponible.
M. De Wolf, P. De Wolf, P. Saerens et F. Tchekemian, Eléments de droit des sociétés et des associations, Erasme / Anthémis, dernière édition disponible.
M. De Wolf, P. De Wolf, P. Saerens et F. Tchekemian, Eléments de droit des sociétés et des associations, Erasme / Anthémis, dernière édition disponible.
Teaching materials
- Diaporamas et documents divers sur moodle, couvrant de larges parties de la matière.
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Human and Social Sciences