The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
This course focuses on interest rates and credit risk modelling with a particular emphasis on yield curve theo-ries, Monte Carlo simulations and tree-based approaches. Regarding credit risk modelling we focus on ratings models, yield-spread models and credit scoring models.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | Gain a sound understanding of interest rates modelling (including the modelling of interest rates under uncer-tainty) and credit risk models. |
The course focuses mainly on the business model of banks as well as the risk management process which is increasingly subject to regulatory constraints. The course deals more particularly with :
- The role of banks in the financial system and their business model
- The impact of the ECB monetary policy on banks’ operations
- The major principles of risk management and the notion of risk
- The failure of risk management systems during the financial crises of 2007 and 2011
- The evolution of banking regulation: from Basel 1 to Basel 4 and the prudential control framework put in place by the European authorities.
- The management of credit risk (PD, LGD, EaD, M and RWA), market risk (Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall) and liquidity risk (LCR and NSFR)
- The role of banks in the financial system and their business model
- The impact of the ECB monetary policy on banks’ operations
- The major principles of risk management and the notion of risk
- The failure of risk management systems during the financial crises of 2007 and 2011
- The evolution of banking regulation: from Basel 1 to Basel 4 and the prudential control framework put in place by the European authorities.
- The management of credit risk (PD, LGD, EaD, M and RWA), market risk (Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall) and liquidity risk (LCR and NSFR)
Teaching methods
Ex Cathedra
No group work.
No group work.
Evaluation methods
Classic 2-hour written exam consisting of a mix of multiple choice questions and open questions
Course taught at UNamur (Namur)
Course taught at UNamur (Namur)
Other information
Objectives: Advanced course in the economics of finance from a risk management perspective aiming to discuss the notion of risk and the recent developments in banking regulation in a post financial crisis context.
Risk Management and Financial Institutions, 5th Edition, John Hull, 2018 (Wiley)
Santomero & Babbel: Financial markets, instruments and institutions (McGraw-Hill). Johnson
Santomero & Babbel: Financial markets, instruments and institutions (McGraw-Hill). Johnson
Faculty or entity