The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
The first part of the course is devoted to an approach ot the main concepts and theories of marginalization, of its causes and its effects.
It encompasses an analysis of the processes of marginalization related to economic and social developments, to legal approaches to topics such as poverty, housing, immigration, drug addiction, etc.
It encompasses an analysis of the processes of marginalization related to economic and social developments, to legal approaches to topics such as poverty, housing, immigration, drug addiction, etc.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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The course seeks to introduce interested students to current issues relating to marginalization, exclusion and alienation. The method is multidisciplinary in that the concepts are approached from historical, sociological, legal and psychological perspectives. It seeks to enable the student, from his own curriculum (this course is open to students of criminology, psychology and educational sciences, law and sociology), to identify the issues of marginalization and of exclusion in a broader framework and in a dynamic perspective. |
The course aims to analyze the processes of marginalization and social exclusion in relation to crime (understood in a broad sense) and its social treatment. The analysis of the processes will be done in a multidisciplinary and critical way.
After a first introductory part that will review the main key notions of the course (marginalization, exclusion, stigmatization, labeling, criminalization, system of oppression...), we will focus on the analysis of several social phenomena that reveal these processes of marginalization linked to crime. In a second step, we will study the means to stop the marginalization processes by analyzing inclusive practices and emancipatory actions. Conceptual analysis keys will be provided in order to grasp the complexity of these practices and actions (social inclusion, intersectionality, recognition theory, cultural democracy...).
The course will be organized around the following main themes:
- The criminalization of misery and poverty in prison;
- The racialization of crime and the discriminatory effects of the penal system;
- The reproduction of symbolic violence and the Help and protection of youth;
The following cases may be analyzed:
- Theater in Prison;
- Urban riots;
- The hip-hop movement ;
- ...
Depending on current events, the themes and cases of analysis may change.
After a first introductory part that will review the main key notions of the course (marginalization, exclusion, stigmatization, labeling, criminalization, system of oppression...), we will focus on the analysis of several social phenomena that reveal these processes of marginalization linked to crime. In a second step, we will study the means to stop the marginalization processes by analyzing inclusive practices and emancipatory actions. Conceptual analysis keys will be provided in order to grasp the complexity of these practices and actions (social inclusion, intersectionality, recognition theory, cultural democracy...).
The course will be organized around the following main themes:
- The criminalization of misery and poverty in prison;
- The racialization of crime and the discriminatory effects of the penal system;
- The reproduction of symbolic violence and the Help and protection of youth;
The following cases may be analyzed:
- Theater in Prison;
- Urban riots;
- The hip-hop movement ;
- ...
Depending on current events, the themes and cases of analysis may change.
Teaching methods
Ex-cathedra courses with participative and interactive methods with the audience, interventions of external and field persons
Evaluation methods
Written exam
Other information
Readings Portfolio and bibliography
Faculty or entity