lelec1360  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
  • Signals : speech, audio, images, video, data
  • Signals and systems : analytic signal, complex envelope, random signals, stationnarity, power spectral density
  • Decibels
  • Analog modulations  : DSB (SC), SSB, VSB, demodulation, noise impact, change of frequency,
  • Angular modulations  : FM (narrow band and wideband), demodulation, effect of noise, capture, threshold effect
  • Superheterodyne receiver
  • Baseband transmission : line code, matched filter, correlation, noise effet, Nyquist criterion, Carrierless amplitude/phase modulation
  • Passband transmission : linear modulations (QAM, PSK), spectral efficiency
  • Discrete time simulation of a communication link
  • Time and frequency multiplexing
  • Error correcting codes: block codes, convolutional codes, hard decoding and soft decoding
Teaching methods
The lectures are organized as follows:
14 séances de cours
  • 14 lecturing sessions (face to face, remotely, by means of podcasts or combination of these 3 modes, depending on the sanitary situation)
  • 9 sessions of practical training/monitored exercices (solutions are provided later on on Moodle)
  • laboratory sessions about AM and FM modulations.
Evaluation methods
About the lectures, the students are evaluated individually with respect to the particular objectives stated above. The examination is "closed books".
Laboratories are subject to individual evaluation as well oral evaluation by group.
The mark for the laboratories evaluation is computed on the basis of marks of an individual evaluation I and of a group evaluation G. If these marks are over 20, the global mark L over 6.66 for the laboratories evaluation is given by
L = a * G/20 + (6.66 – a) * I/20,
where factor a depends on the individual lab evaluation and is given by
  • If I <= 5 : a = 0,
  • If 5 < I <= 10 : a = 0.732 * I - 3.66,
  • If I > 10 : a = 3.66.
To summarize, if the individual evaluation is passed, it contributes for 3/6.66 and the group mark contributes to 3.66/6.66.
In case of a second session the marks of the laboratories remain those obtained in the first session and cannot be changed. The laboratory work cannot be redone for the second session.
  • Syllabus de cours disponible sur Moodle
  • Transparents disponibles sur Moodle
  • Livre de référence disponible à la BST (Communications systems, S. Haykin, Wiley)
  • Enregistrement des cours disponibles en podcast
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Specialization track in Electricity

Minor in Electricity

Master [120] in Mathematical Engineering

Mineure Polytechnique