The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 22.5 h
This project assumes acquired:
- the notions of three-dimensional kinematics and dynamics of the rigid body as seen in the LEPL1202 course as well as the kinematic principles of the basic mechanisms seen in the LMECA1210 course;
- mastery of the following numerical methods: Newton-Raphson method, interpolation methods and numerical integration scheme as seen in the LEPL1104 course;
- a sufficient mastery of the basic principles of the C language (language elements, programming, structures, pointers, compilation/execution), as seen in the LEPL1104 course or the LEPL1503 project.
Main themes
Bibliographic research and drafting of specifications;
Development of the appropriate methodology to solve a problem
Development of algorithms and programming (MATLAB, ROBOTRAN, etc.)
Analysis of simulations and performance evaluation of the studied system.
Report writing, final presentation.
Development of the appropriate methodology to solve a problem
Development of algorithms and programming (MATLAB, ROBOTRAN, etc.)
Analysis of simulations and performance evaluation of the studied system.
Report writing, final presentation.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | Contribution of the course to the program framework With regard to the AA reference of the program "Bachelor in Engineering Sciences, orientation civil engineer", this course contributes to the development, acquisition and evaluation of the following learning outcomes: AA 1.1, 1.2 AA 2.3, 2.4, 2.7 AA 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 AA 4.2, 4.3, 4.5 Course specific learning outcomes The skills targeted by “projects 4” consist on the one hand of transversal skills, common to all projects 4, and on the other hand of disciplinary technical skills, specific to each specialization. Transversal skills : The 4 projects aim to acquire transversal skills close to the practice of the engineering profession in a varied disciplinary context:
Disciplinary technical skills:
Bibliographic research and drafting of specifications
Development of the appropriate methodology to solve a problem
Development of algorithms and programming (PYTHON, ROBOTRAN, etc.)
Analysis of simulations and evaluation of the performance of the system studied.
Possibly, simple experiments to validate or feed the model and simulations.
Report writing, final presentation.
Development of the appropriate methodology to solve a problem
Development of algorithms and programming (PYTHON, ROBOTRAN, etc.)
Analysis of simulations and evaluation of the performance of the system studied.
Possibly, simple experiments to validate or feed the model and simulations.
Report writing, final presentation.
Teaching methods
Work in small groups under the supervision of a tutor; audience sessions for the introduction or restructuring of specific concepts useful for the realization of the project; intermediate presentations of the progress of the project.
Evaluation methods
In this course, students are evaluated through :
The intermediate reports and presentations as well as the final report and presentation are evaluated and all contribute to the group grade.
The grade for the continuous assessment (including reports and oral presentations) can be individualized according to the student's involvement in the group during the term (mandatory attendance at activities, active participation in intermediate and assessed work). The work for which a continuous assessment mark is awarded may not be repeated in the second term; the continuous assessment mark acquired in the first term is retained in the event of a second term.
- a continuous assessment of the project which includes intermediate reports and presentations during the term, as well as a written report and presentation to be delivered at the end of the term, carried out in group;
- an individual written exam at the end of the term (first session) or in the second session.
- 3/4 if the mark of the individual written exam is higher than 10/20 ;
- 0 if the mark of the individual written exam is less than 6/20;
- Linearly progressive between 0, if the score of the individual written exam is 6/20, and 3/4, if the score of the written exam is 10/20.
The intermediate reports and presentations as well as the final report and presentation are evaluated and all contribute to the group grade.
The grade for the continuous assessment (including reports and oral presentations) can be individualized according to the student's involvement in the group during the term (mandatory attendance at activities, active participation in intermediate and assessed work). The work for which a continuous assessment mark is awarded may not be repeated in the second term; the continuous assessment mark acquired in the first term is retained in the event of a second term.
The use of generative AI software such as chatGPT is authorized for assistance in writing the documents requested as part of this project. However, it must be clearly and completely indicated in the document(s) concerned.
Other information
This course is part of the set of "Project 4" courses of the civil engineering baccalaureate program. The 4 projects share common transversal objectives but are available in various versions with distinct disciplinary objectives, corresponding to the program sectors. Each student chooses the project proposed by one of his courses.
Online resources
Moodle courses: used for:
- Distribute general information about the course.
- Share course materials and other resources.
- Manage a forum where students can ask questions about the project.
- ...
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Engineering