letat2204  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
The course consists to more understand the public and administration law and, in the same time, to complete the courses of economic law and European law.
The main themes are :
- the status of free enterprise;
-the methods and principles of public regulation of economy ;
- the outline of the concept of economic public service and public company ( normative framework and legal regime) ;
- the rules applicable to economic public service in three dimensions : its relationships with its service providers or partners (Public Contracts) ; its relations with its competitors (competition law and financing) ; its relations with its users (general conditions; trade practices and consumer protection; administrative transparency) .
The course consists to more understand the public and administration law and, in the same time, to complete the courses of economic law and European law.
After an introductory lesson on the intervention of public authorities in economic life (foundations, functions, principles and direct/indirect distinction), the course is divided into two parts:
:1. The indirect intervention of public authorities in the economy:
* The freedom of enterprise and its limitations * The systems of economic regulation: organization (principles, actors, instruments, ...)
* Economic regulation systems: jurisdictional protection
* Public aid: the example of subsidies
* Public aid and intervention in crisis situations
2. The direct intervention of public authorities in the economy:
* The concepts of public service, service of general interest and universal service
* The organisation of public services: functional decentralisation, autonomisation, public establishments, public companies
* Management of public services: outsourcing, contractualisation, public contracts, inter-municipalities
* Financing of public services
Translated with (free version)
Teaching methods
This is an ex cathedra course. However, the lecturers illustrate their lectures with examples from legislation and case law.
Evaluation methods
The examination is oral, lasts 20 minutes and consists of two questions: a first question drawn at random and to be prepared concerns the introduction or one of the two parts (direct interventions/indirect interventions) of the first part; a second question without preparation concerns the other part (indirect interventions/direct interventions)
Online resources
the teachers will make available on Moodle the slides or other materials that accompany each course and possibly doctrine, case law or any other relevant documentation. Some parts of the course will be based on The book 'Eléments de droit public de l'économie' by Pierre Nihoul.
Teaching materials
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
  • Eléments de droit public de l'économie
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Law