The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
This teaching unit consists in proposing a theoretical approach to the concepts of project and project management in the field of education and training, by highlighting their epistemological, methodological and sociological foundations. In addition, the course introduces an analytical approach to the development, management and evaluation of education and training projects. Here again, the emphasis is on the foundations, both epistemological and methodological, of the analytical methods addressed. In other words, it is more a question of introducing the critical analysis of projects than of their actual design and implementation.
Note: the term project is used here as a broader term for any educational or training action - be it a plan, a program or a project itself.
Note: the term project is used here as a broader term for any educational or training action - be it a plan, a program or a project itself.
Teaching methods
A mix of lectures and group work.
Evaluation methods
- Written work consisting of a description and analysis, based on a conceptual model proposed in the course, of the development, management and evaluation of an education or training project (to be determined with the teacher according to the student's option).
- The specific requirements for the summative assessment are provided on Moodle and by the instructor from the first class.
- The assessment conditions are the same in both the first and second sessions. In the latter case, however, the written analysis is produced individually, based on an education or training project other than that used for the first session.
- The use of generative Artificial Intelligence tools (e.g., Chat GPT, etc.) is forbidden for all productions (e.g., assignments, documents to be completed, etc.) required of students as part of this course.
Other information
This course is given in an “English-friendly” format. For details, please see below.
The course is given in French, but a set of English slides is available for international students:
The course is given in French, but a set of English slides is available for international students:
- no
- yes for some parts of the reading material
- Can provide the coursework in English:
yes - Can be exempt from providing the coursework:
Online resources
On Moodle are available some bibliographical references and other documents used to support the course (such as slides and case studies), as well as up-to-date practical information about the course. Students can also use Moodle to ask questions or make comments of collective interest.
Regular monitoring of the Moodle site is essential. It will contain all the necessary instructions on how to participate in the sessions, the pedagogical modalities and the evaluation modalities.
Regular monitoring of the Moodle site is essential. It will contain all the necessary instructions on how to participate in the sessions, the pedagogical modalities and the evaluation modalities.
- Une liste de lectures obligatoires ou complémentaires sera disponible sur Moodle.
- Roegiers, X. (2007). Analyser une action d'éducation ou de formation. Analyser les programmes, les plans et les projets d'éducation ou de formation pour mieux les élaborer, les réaliser et les évaluer. De Boeck.
Teaching materials
- Roegiers, X. (2007). Analyser une action d'éducation ou de formation. Analyser les programmes, les plans et les projets d'éducation ou de formation pour mieux les élaborer, les réaliser et les évaluer. De Boeck.
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Education (shift schedule)