The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
30.0 h
What is communication? How does communication influence the management of organizations? How is it organized both internally and externally? What are the challenges of communication for managers of organizations?
In this course, we study the bases of communication. Then we will develop subjects such as visual communication, public relations, crisis management, social networks and management tools. During the term, students will choose an organization and analyze their communication strategy.
Through a flipped classroom method, we will approach each of these subjects. The goal is to put the students in a work situation and then give them feedback and additional theoretical elements. This co-construction of the course enables to introduce diverse viewpoints on the complexe subject of communication. This way of working also allows students to learn to learn and thus prepare them for the management of a constantly evolving discipline.
In this course, we study the bases of communication. Then we will develop subjects such as visual communication, public relations, crisis management, social networks and management tools. During the term, students will choose an organization and analyze their communication strategy.
Through a flipped classroom method, we will approach each of these subjects. The goal is to put the students in a work situation and then give them feedback and additional theoretical elements. This co-construction of the course enables to introduce diverse viewpoints on the complexe subject of communication. This way of working also allows students to learn to learn and thus prepare them for the management of a constantly evolving discipline.
Teaching methods
Students will work in sub-groups throughout the term in a logic of co-construction of the course.
Evaluation methods
A written report presenting the diagnosis as well as recommendations on a real practical case is required. The evaluation is base on the ability to apply appropriately tools and techniques learnt during classroom sessions.
Cette bibliographie propose les ouvrages de référence de ce cours. La lecture n'est pas indispensable à la compréhension du cours et d'autres références seront citées tout au long du trimestre:
Introduction aux sciences de la communication, collection repères, Daniel Bougnoux, 2001
La communication des organisations, collection repères, Bernard Fauré Nicolas Arnaud, 2014
Le management: voyage au centre des organizations, Henry Mintzberg, 2004
No Logo, Naomie Klein 1999
La société ingouvernable, Gregoire Chamayou 2018
Sociologie des outils de gestion, collection repères Eve Chiapello
La laideur se vend mal, Raymond Loewy
Algorithmes: la bombe à retardement, Cathy O’Neil, 2017.
Le management de projet, collection repères, Gilles Garel, 2003
Sociologie des réseaux Sociaux, collections répères, Pierre Mercié
Le nouvel esprit du capitalisme, Boltanski Eve Chiapello 2011
Hooked comment créer un produit ou un service qui ancre des habitudes, Nil Eyral 2018
La Supplication, Tchernobyl, chronique du monde après l’apocalypse, Svetlana Alexievitch 1998
De sang froid, Truman Capote 1972
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Education (shift schedule)