French - Speaking and pronunciation - Objective B2

lfran1403  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

French - Speaking and pronunciation - Objective B2
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
3.00 credits
30.0 h
Q1 or Q2
Renard Christine (coordinator);
To follow this course, students must have reached level B1 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, as attested by :
  • the B1 placement test organized by ILV at the beginning of the term
  • OR a recent DELF B1 certificate (maximum 1 year)
  • OR successful completion of course LFRAN1301 or LFRAN1321
  • OR a previous pass in LFRAN 1401
  • OR take LFRAN1321 or LFRAN1401 at the same time.
Main themes
Reading with expression, narrate a story real or imaginary, describe feelings and reactions, give personal views in an informal discussion, lead a debate on a topical subject, participate in a professional meeting.

Focus is put on both contents (selection of relevant examples, articulation of ideas, organization ) and fluency.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the learner /independent user of the language of level B2 can
  • interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
  • understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics
  • express him/herself on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Level B2 describes a developed and relatively confident command of the foreign language
The course deals progressively with different acts of language in French: expressing oneself in a nuanced way, highlighting one's ideas, clearly explaining instructions or facts, defending a point of view, taking part in a debate, collaborating and finding a solution collectively.
This course also allows students to become aware of the different parameters involved in oral communication (language, voice, body, space), to improve their pronunciation in French (sounds, rhythm, articulation, intonation), to work on specific spoken structures, to express themselves in a clear, comprehensible and nuanced manner.
Teaching methods
Each class counts 3 parts :
  1. After some relaxation work, the first part consists in a technical warm up and focus on pronunciation (rythm, intonation) or,on body language.
  2. During the second part, students will discover an oral situation and the vocabulary and linguistic structures related to it
  3. During the third part, the students will make several spoken productions related to the situation discovered formerly, or practice his ability to speak in front of an audience
This class requires a regular work at home. Every week, students will prepare a grammatical and/or lexical point. They will also have several oral homework (audio and video recordings posted on the learning platform). 
Some sessions may be organized remotely, on Teams, depending on the educational objectives.
Evaluation methods
Certification is based on a continuous evaluation and on a performance in the examination session.
During the quadrimester, continuous evaluation (50%)
  • Attendance at the course (min. 75% of the sessions), delivery of training assignments, commitment 10%.
  • Test on pronunciation and on vocabulary 10%.
  • individual or group performance 10%
  • audio and video recordings 10%.   
  • online self-learning path (pronunciation) +  written assessment.  10%
Continuous assessment tasks may not be submitted (for the first time) after the deadline set by the instructor, except with a medical certificate.
No continuous assessment tasks may be submitted in the August session.
Final exam (50%)                                
The exam is oral. It consists of three parts:
  1. non prepared debate on a topical subject 20% 
  2. A 3-minute prepared presentation 20%
  3. Recorded interpretation of a literary text (poetry, prose or drama) 10%
An absence (justified or not) for the final exam (or one of its parts) will result in a final mark of absence.
The student who represents the final exam in August has the choice of representing the failed competency(ies) OR the entire exam if he/she wishes to improve his/her grade. He/she must explicitly communicate his/her choice to the professor no later than the first day of the session.
Other information
This course corresponds to B2 level of the common European Framework of reference
Online resources
Teaching materials
  • Plateforme Moodle UCLouvain
Faculty or entity