The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 15.0 h
> French-friendly
> French-friendly
The following topics are dealt with (bearing in mind the need to contribute to sustainable development):
- quick introduction to or refresher of continuum mechanics;
- reactive transport and continuity equations;
- equation of fluid mechanics in a non-inertial reference frame and their application to marine hydrodynamics;
- thin layer approximation, hydrostatic approximation, Boussinesq approximation, geostrophic equilibrium;
- impact of Earth's rotation;
- reduced-dimension models, with a focus on water column and depth-integrated models and their applications;
- impact of stratification;
- notions of turbulence closure schemes;
- notions of numerical methods to solve the abovementioned equations;
- model results diagnoses and skill assessment
- case studies (selected in agreement with the students' areas of interest).
Teaching methods
Combination of face-to-face teaching and flipped classroom.
Evaluation methods
Continuous assessment of knowledge through homework assignments (and oral presentations), leading to a final grade that cannot be modified. There will be no exam.
Online resources
Slides, list of problems and computer animations available on or through Moodle
- Slides and computer animations available on Moodle.
Burchard H., 2002, Applied Turbulence Modelling in Marine Waters, Springer
Cushman-Roisin B. and J.-M. Beckers, 2011 (2nd ed.), Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics - Physical and Numerical Aspects, Academic Press
Dyer K.R., 1997 (2nd ed.), Estuaries - A Physical Introduction, Wiley
Fisher H.B. et al., 1979, Mixing in Inland and Coastal Waters, Academic Press
Zheng C. and G.D. Bennett, 2002 (2nd ed.), Applied Contaminant Transport Modeling, Wiley
Teaching materials
- Slides and computer animations available on Moodle.
Faculty or entity