The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
15.0 h + 30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!
Main themes
Different Belgian landscapes both rural and urban will be examined through excursions and project work
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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An introduction to the description of landscapes based on map analysis and field visits with the aim to motivate students for research in Geography. At the end of the course students should be able to : i) Interpret a topographical and thematic map, ii) report field observations correctly in a notebook |
The course introduces to landscape analysis and the scientific approach in geography through three key ideas: the combination of an analytical approach of the different landscape elements, and the synthesis of their interactions; the interactions between human societies and environment; and the rôle of long term historical legacies in shaping landscapes.
The course has three components: classroom work, fieldwork and a personal project. A rural landscape in Brabant wallon will be first analysed in classroom based on maps and other documents. Then, a field visit will allow to confront the desk-based analyses with field observations. Two rural landscapes, Ardenne and the Dyle valley, will then be presented. The physical and human characteristics will be explained through the analysis of topographic and thematic maps. The interpretation of these maps will be cross checked during field visits.
The course has three components: classroom work, fieldwork and a personal project. A rural landscape in Brabant wallon will be first analysed in classroom based on maps and other documents. Then, a field visit will allow to confront the desk-based analyses with field observations. Two rural landscapes, Ardenne and the Dyle valley, will then be presented. The physical and human characteristics will be explained through the analysis of topographic and thematic maps. The interpretation of these maps will be cross checked during field visits.
Teaching methods
The course has three components: classroom work, fieldwork and a personal project. Excursion guides, topographic and thematic maps
Evaluation methods
A field note book will be evaluated and each student will develop an individual subject based on a topographic map of his/her choice. The map will be analysed and cross-checked in the field.
The exercrises during the academic year will count for 20% of the mark. The final project will count for 80%. For the second session, only the final project will be submitted, the marks for the activities realized during the year will be attached to all sessions of the academic year.
The exercrises during the academic year will count for 20% of the mark. The final project will count for 80%. For the second session, only the final project will be submitted, the marks for the activities realized during the year will be attached to all sessions of the academic year.
Other information
The course calendar is available on Moodle or through ADE.
Online resources
Through Moodle.
Teaching materials
- matériel sur moodle
Faculty or entity