Dutch as a foreign language methodology

lgerm2523  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Dutch as a foreign language methodology
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
22.5 h + 35.0 h
Q1 and Q2
B2+ level in Dutch (Common European Framework of Reference).
Main themes
1. The goals and objectives of the teaching of Dutch as a foreign language [in secondary schools in the French speaking Community of Belgium].
2. The description and illustration of approaches, aids and teaching/learning techniques in the field of Dutch as a foreign language.
3. The role of tasks in language learning and teaching (simple vs. complex, pedagogic vs. functional, formal vs. significative, verbal vs. non verbal aspects).
4. The conception and critical discussion of teaching/learning sequences (including formative and certificative testing).
The required level of communicative competence is described as follows:
- Reading comprehension. Being able to autonomously understand factual texts as well as specialised articles pertaining to the field of teaching and education. Level C2 of the Common European Framework ".
- Listening Comprehension.
1. Individual : Having no difficulty in understanding any kind of spoken language, whether live or broadcast, even when delivered at fast native speed, provided the student is given some time to get familiar with the accent.. Being able to understand audiovisual documents pertaining to the field of education.
2. Interactive : Being able to understand a natural conversation between several native speakers on a subject related to the field of teaching or education. Level C2 of the Common European Framework ".
- Speaking (main objective).
1. Individual : Being able to give a clearly developed presentation on a subject in the field of education or teaching, with only occasional reference to written notes. Being able to give a clear, detailed and extended description or account of a topic related to the field of education, integrating themes, developing particular points, and concluding appropriately..
2. Interactive : Being able to take part, unprepared, in a conversation on topics related to the field of education Being able to prepare, organise, and manage a conversation class, alone or as part of a group. Being able to actively take part in a conversation in familiar situations, being able to present and defend personal opinions. Being able to communicate with such a degree of spontaneity and fluency that normal interaction with native speakers can occur. Being able to take part in discussions about teaching and education in a fluent and efficient way. Being able to skilfully relate one's own contributions to those of other speakers. Level C1 of the Common European Framework".
- Writing. Being able to write messages related to the field of education, and take part in an internal web-based discussion forum. Level C1 of the Common European Framework.
- Code. Students should have full command of the functions of language, and of simple and complex grammatical structures, they should use a wide range of vocabulary (both general and specific). Pronunciation and intonation must not impede spontaneous and easy communication. Particular focus will be put on " classroom language ".
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 The students should acquire the knowledge, the skills and know-how as well as the existential competence (the so-called "savoir-être") necessary to teach Dutch as a foreign language in secondary schools (the so-called "Enseignement de transition de la CFWB"). Demonstrate a high level of communicative competence in the target language.
This course contains a theoretical and a practical part.
The theoretical part (22.5h) is based on three main themes:
1/ the context of learning Dutch in French-speaking Belgium (student motivation, learning Dutch in a multilingual country, varieties of Dutch in teaching) ;
2/ resources and support bodies for teaching Dutch in French-speaking Belgium;
3/ the construction of a Dutch course for a French-speaking audience, based on scientifically validated didactic techniques.
These three areas are presented in order to show the interconnections between them.
The practical part aims to support the 3rd axis in particular and focuses mainly on the development of:
1/ linguistic skills and knowledge for teaching Dutch (20h)
2/ didactic, pedagogical, analytical and reflective skills for developing Dutch as a foreign language lesson sequences (15h)
Teaching methods
  •  Theoretical part :
    The course uses a participative and reflective approach, encouraging students' active learning. To this end, the course is based on the principle of task-based learning: students create a Dutch lesson at the beginning of the year, which they analyse, criticise and revise throughout the semester on the basis of the didactic theories covered. The aim is to compare and question their preconceptions of teaching Dutch with the results of research in the field. Class sessions also encourage active participation by students through critical analysis of teaching resources, application exercises, debates, reading of articles and work in sub-groups.
  •          The practical part enables students to practise interactive skills in a variety of situations: interactive lessons; exchanges with native Dutch speakers; debates; role-playing; free expression; summaries, etc.  Feedback and remedial activities may also be offered. Detailed instructions for each activity will be given to students in advance. In the second semester, students must put theory into practice by developing a teaching sequence, whose didactic and pedagogical choices they will be able to justify in the light of research findings in the field.
A partnership project is also organised with the University of Antwerp, which pairs up students in French didactics (UAntwerpen) with students in Dutch didactics (UCLouvain) so that the students can activate their language skills, promote cultural knowledge of the other community and exchange on their teaching practices.
They can also take part in the pedagogical conversation table, organised in collaboration with the Taalunie once a month (this is not a compulsory activity).
Evaluation methods
The assessment is conducted entirely in Dutch and consists of:
1. Theoretical part (35%) :
          1a. Continuous assessment through assignments, participation in activities, oral presentations, tests, etc.
          1b. An oral examination of the theoretical part, consisting of questions on different skills (knowledge, analysis, application).
2. Continuous assessment of language skills: oral and written exercises during the semester, participation in the ‘tandem’ project (35%).
3. Oral presentation of the teaching sequence presented during the seminar. All documents forming part of the learning sequence will be given to the examiner. Continuous assessment will focus on the student's participation in discussions of other students' teaching sequences. (30%)
Students who obtain an insufficient mark for one of the three parts will automatically obtain a failing grade for the whole course and will have to repeat this part during the September session.
Other information
The student respects the deadlines for submitting work or registering for the various tests. Failure to meet the deadlines will result in a mark of 0/10 in the test.
Online resources
Moodle platform
Teaching materials
  • Kwakernaak, E. (2015) Didactiek van het vreemdetalenonderwijs. Bussum: Coutinho.
  • Powerpoints van de les beschikbaar op Moodle
  • Extra teksten beschikbaar op Moodle
  • Bossers, B., Kuiken, F. & Vermeer, A. (red.) (2015). Handboek Nederlands als tweede taal in het volwassenonderwijs. 2de druk. Bussum: Coutinho.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Modern Languages and Literatures : General

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English