Didactics of Ancient Languages - Reflections on School Programs and Scientific Communication

lglor2540  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Didactics of Ancient Languages - Reflections on School Programs and Scientific Communication
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
7.00 credits
45.0 h + 30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
An in-depth knowledge of Latin and Greek.
Main themes
This course takes into account the principal aspects of the teaching of ancient languages in the secondary school of today:
1. The focuses according to the levels;
2. Reading of authors;
3. Familiarisation with ancient cultures and civilisations;
4. Conception and execution of methods of evaluation adapted the aims in view;
5. Acritical view of the teaching possibilities offered by the multimedia;
6. An analysis of the programs within the framework of the "Missions" decree and within its extension to the different structures of "Final competences and required learning in Latin and Greek".
This course includes a reflection on the characteristics of a high-quality communication, and in particular its adaptation to the public to which it is destined (a critical analysis of the text-books designed for the teaching of ancient languages at the secondary level).
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Au terme de cet enseignement, l'étudiant sera capable de concevoir, organiser et évaluer des activités d'enseignement et des situations d'apprentissage pour les cours de latin et de grec aux différents degrés du secondaire. Il sera à même de réaliser une préparation scientifique et méthodologique de leçons pratiques.
L'étudiant saura également percevoir le statut, les composantes et les enjeux des programmes à l'occasion de leur lecture critique. Il saura construire des séquences d'enseignement originales, adaptées au divers degrés du secondaire (développement des compétences terminales). Il aura aussi acquis une maîtrise suffisante des outils multimédias consacrés à l'enseignement des langues anciennes.
Les étudiants CLAS suivent entièrement ce cours, ceux du programme LAFR n'en suivent que 37,5 heures (partie latine).
The course aims to provide the student with the main keys which are needed for teaching ancient languages. Thus, the following topics will be particularly developed:
- a critical and contextualized reading of the official documents supporting the teaching of ancient languages in the "Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles" (official references and programs) 
- contextualization of the main learning theories (socio-constructivism, explicit teaching, ...) and theoretical backgrounds (Bloom's taxonomy, etc.), with their concrete applications to the teaching of Latin and Greek. 
- analysis of the learning methods used in order to ensure the diversity of practices in the teaching of ancient languages. 
- description and analysis of the teacher's professional gestures (classroom management, speech, feedback, etc.)
- analysis of tools and issues related to evaluation and assessment frameworks
- presentation and critical analysis of some handbooks frequently used in the "Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles"
- identification of cognitive issues applied to the learning of ancient languages: motivation, memory, executive functions, role of emotions, learning rhythms, specific profiles and learning disorders, etc.
Other themes may be addressed depending on the current issues specific to the teaching of ancient languages. 
In addition, practices will train the oral faculties: reading aloud, techniques of counting, and giving talks. These exercises are based on the self-evaluation (video) in order to make the student progress by reflecting on his/her own practice. 
Teaching methods
The course alternates lectures and practical lessons that strongly encourage active participation and exchanges with the students. Thus, in addition to theoretical explanations, numerous situational exercises will be worked on (micro-teaching). Practices will train the act of speaking (orality) in front of a class, as well as the creation of lessons adapted to the official programmes. In addition, participation in events and projects oriented towards didactic communication and contact with schools may be considered.
Evaluation methods
Practices (orality) : 20%. 
Written dossier with oral examination based on this written file (80%), with: 
For CLAS and LAFR: 
* the development of a personal and original teaching lesson, which aims to present a Latin author or a theme related to the ancient Latin world. This will cover four hours of teaching in a secondary school in the context of the "Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles" (FWB). Firstly, this dossier will include a justification of each pedagogical choice based on scientific articles, and a pedagogical reflection on one of the current issues identified during the course. Secondly, it will present an adequate methodology for approaching the Latin text and its grammatical difficulties, based on a critical analysis of external supports (handbooks, grammars, teaching documents, etc.). Thirdly, it will present the construction of an original textual commentary, which will take advantage from relevant and original resources, from Antiquity (ceramics, mosaics, archaeological sources, comparison with other texts, ...) or more recent periods (painting, sculpture, music, literature, recent books, comic strips, mangas, films, video games, etc.).   
For CLAS only: 
* the development of a personal and original teaching lesson, which aims to present a Greek author or a theme related to Ancient Greece. This will cover four hours of teaching in a secondary school in the context of the "Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles" (FWB). Firstly, this dossier will include a justification of each pedagogical choice based on scientific articles, and a pedagogical reflection on one of the current issues identified during the course. Secondly, it will present an adequate methodology for approaching the Greek text and its grammatical difficulties, based on a critical analysis of external supports (handbooks, grammars, teaching documents, etc.). Thirdly, it will present the construction of an original textual commentary, which will take advantage from relevant and original resources, from Antiquity (ceramics, mosaics, archaeological sources, comparison with other texts, ...) or more recent periods (painting, sculpture, music, literature, recent books, comic strips, mangas, films, video games, etc.).   
In the written work, generative AI are to be used in a responsible way, respecting the common rules of academic and scientific integrity. This means that all sources have to be quoted and precisely cited, and that any use of an AI has to be indicated. 
Other information
Online resources
Bibliography will be given during the class. 
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Certificat universitaire en langue, littérature et civilisation latines

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Ancient Languages and Literatures : Classics