Ancient Anatolian languages (Hittite, Levite, Lycian)

lglor2614  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Ancient Anatolian languages (Hittite, Levite, Lycian)
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h

  This biannual learning unit is not being organized in 2025-2026 !

LGLOR1611/1611A and 1612/1612A
Main themes
In-depth study of the Hittite language and/or introduction to the Luwian and Lycian languages.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 to translate a cuneiform text and to make intelligent use of the dictionaries, grammars, and sign lists;
2 read and translate basic texts in Luwian or Lycian.
The course enables the student to deepen and widen his knowledge and experiences acquired at bachelor level. According to the year, the texts studied, for example, are:
  • Extracts of Hittite epics or myths (the myth of Telipinu)
  • Hittite rituals
  • Hittite treaties and edicts
  • Etc.
Next to that, there is also the possibility to have an introduction into the grammar of the Luwian and and/or Lycian languages and to read some basic texts drafted in these languages.
The course gives the necessary philological complement to any student who is interested in Asia Minor and Syria from the 2nd Millennium to the Roman period.
Luwian is an Indo-European sister language of Hittite, written in both cuneiform and a glyphic script, attested both on clay tablets and monuments. The course deals with inscriptions coming from northern Syria (Carchemish) and Turkey (Malatya) as well as with Luwian passages in Hittite texts.
Lycian too is an Anatolian language and is very close to Luwian. Inscriptions in this language were drafted in the 5th and 4th centuries BC (Achaemenid period).
Teaching methods
The selected texts are prepared by the students and the translations are discussed during the course, in order to reach a valid translation and a good understanding of the text.
For Luwian and Lycian, there is first a short grammatical introduction, given by the teacher.
Evaluation methods
Written exam (transliteration, analysis and translation of two Hittite, Luwian or Lycian texts).
Other information
English-friendly course : course taught in French but with facilities in English.
- H.A. Hoffner & H.C. Melchert, A Grammar of the Hittite Language (Languages of the Ancient Near East 1), Winona Lake, 2008.
- S. Vanséveren, Nisili : manuel de langue hittite, Volume 1 (Lettres orientales 10), Louvain, 2006.
- S. Vanséveren, Nisili : manuel de langue hittite, Volume 2 (Lettres orientales 19), Louvain, 2014
- E. Neu & Ch. Rüster, Hethitisches Zeichenlexikon (Studien zu den Bogazköy-Texten. Beiheft 2), Wiesbaden, 1989.
- H.G. Güterbock, The Hittite dictionary of the Oriental institute of the University of Chicago, Chicago, 1989.
- J. Tischler, Hethitisches Handwörterbuch (Innsbrücker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 128), Innsbruck, 2008.
- R. Lebrun, « Approche du monde louvite », Volumen 5-6 (2011), 111-137.
- H.C. Melchert (éd.), The Luwians (HdO sect. 1, vol. 68), Leyde-Boston, 2003.
- H.C. Melchert, « Lycian », R.D. Woodard (éd.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages, Cambridge, 2004, 591-600.
- G. Neumann & J. Tischler, Glossar des Lykischen (Dresdner Beiträge zur Hethitologie 21), Wiesbaden, 2007.
Teaching materials
  • Les textes à préparer sont distribués par l'enseignant.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Studies

Master [60] in Ancient Languages and Literatures : Oriental Studies