Travail, santé et bien-être au travail

lgrbe2104  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Travail, santé et bien-être au travail
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
40.0 h
Q1 and Q2

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Main themes
Part 1 : Anne-Marie Etienne Based on notions of clinical psychology relating to models of health, this part of the course is designed to show how models of health can be used in prevention programmes, whether they are centred on somatic risk factors or on psychosocial risk factors. The different notions are the factors relating to protection and vulnerability which influence health, stress (including post-traumatic stress) and the quality of life in the workplace. For this special topic of quality of life at work, participants are given a screening and intervention tool. Part 2 : France Kittel Health and well-being in the workplace : epidemiological approach and interventions. Conceptions of health and well-being in the workplace have undergone significant developments during the last few decades. They now form part of models which include stress, coping and social support. These different aspects are presented in relation to epidemiological data from various sources as well as the indicators used to measure them. In addition to this issue, the question of intervention and the promotion of health and well-being in the workplace is also covered : this includes target populations, overall and specific objectives and assessment of the programmes. The areas covered relate to knowledge, attitudes, behaviours, diseases/accidents, absenteeism etc. Part 3 : Ginette Herman The effects of discrimination in the world of work. Certain groups such as women, immigrants and the disabled are stigmatized and even discriminated against in the world of work. This part of the course deals with the effects of discrimination on the employees affected by it. It also examines the strategies that these groups spontaneously make use of in an attempt to preserve their self-esteem and mental health. The link with certain current policies aimed at combatting discrimination is also considered. Part 4 : Isabelle Hansez Employment of elderly workers. This part of the course deals with the reasons why elderly workers leave employment. The personal choices (intrinsic causes) and the forced choices (extrinsic causes) are analysed.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Through the presentation of the theoretical and empirical aspects of the link between work and well-being, this course is designed to enable students to develop skills in understanding concepts, how to apply them and to discuss them. Students are given the opportunity of analysing the conditions of work which have an influence on the mental health of individuals, particularly by identifying the psychological and psychosocial processes which are factors in this, and various tools for intervention will be demonstrated. Both an epidemiological approach as well as a clinical and social one will be used in a variety of situations.
All information about this course is available at:
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Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Advanced Master in Risk Management and Well-Being in the Workplace