Atelier 3 : Projet approfondi : ouverture internationale

licar2603  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Atelier 3 : Projet approfondi : ouverture internationale
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
6.00 credits
90.0 h
Main themes

An optional workshop, simultaneous with the beginning of the End of Study Work, then concerned with broad urban issues, the international workshop proposes a limited question to allow students to engage in questions of detail, materiality, light, implementation, constructive processes, architectural expression.
The project is carried out in a foreign context, which allows an immersion in other practices of living and building
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 The master's workshops must allow the student to reach a level of mastery of the following skills:
Analyze and synthesize, through drawing, a given situation in its interdependent dimensions: landscape, urban, architectural
Investigate (= imagine and evaluate) through drawing and in an iterative and reflexive process (back and forth between the sketch and the project) the potential of a situation to welcome new developments (morphological, typological, programmatic, "poetic"),
Integrate sustainable development issues into the architecture project process.
Choose the appropriate methods to conduct the development of the project: sketches, verification of potentials; plans, sections, elevations, volume views, material models; freehand drawing, measured drawings; manual drawing, computer-aided drawing; critical analysis of potential uses,".
Select the appropriate methods to present the project: choice of scales, choice of framing, choice of techniques (manual/informatics drawing, material models), layout,
Establish a discursive presentation of the project at its different stages (from sketch to project): oral/written,
More specifically for this project, he will have developed his skills at
Integrate data (morphological, typological, programmatic, constructive, climatic, "poetic") from a non-family context into the architecture project.
Rapidly develop an architectural project in a problem defined by a guest teacher and which conveys other cultural considerations.
Integrate the combined design work at different scales: from the context scale to the precise definition of architectural elements or from the urban/landscape context to the detail (1/20th).
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Architecture and Engineering