The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
6.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
> French-friendly
> French-friendly
Main themes
- Methods to analyze context-free languages, upstream and downstream methods
- Generators of lexical analyzers and parsers
- Statistical semantics and attributed grammars
- Methods to translate a source code in a target code, and generation of target code
- Machine virtuelle et byte-code (JVM)
- Garbage Collection et gestion mémoire
- Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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Given the learning outcomes of the "Master in Computer Science and Engineering" program, this course contributes to the development, acquisition and evaluation of the following learning outcomes:
The course presents the theory and practice of programming language implementation, as well as compiler architecture. We will review the standard components of a compiler, from front-end (parsing, lexical analysis) to back-end (code generation).
During the course, the students will implement a compiler for a new programming language.
During the course, the students will implement a compiler for a new programming language.
Teaching methods
The course consists in a series of pre-recorded video lectures, lecture and Q&A sessions, and lab sessions.
A project will take place with several deadlines distributed over the quadrimester.
A project will take place with several deadlines distributed over the quadrimester.
Evaluation methods
June session:
The evaluation consists of two components: The project (done in groups) accounts for 60% of the course's final grade. A written exam accounts for 40%.
August session:
If the student did not successfully pass the course in the first session (i.e., they did not obtained at least 10/20 for the final grade), the student is allowed to redo those components (project or exam or both) of the evaluation for which they did not obtain at least 50% of the respective points. They will keep the points for the component that they passed (if any). The same weights as in the June session are applied for the calculation of the final grade.
Both sessions: The professor may request a student to go through an additional oral exam as a complement of the exam and/or of the project activities, in cases including, but not limited to, technical issues, or suspicion of irregularities.
The evaluation consists of two components: The project (done in groups) accounts for 60% of the course's final grade. A written exam accounts for 40%.
August session:
If the student did not successfully pass the course in the first session (i.e., they did not obtained at least 10/20 for the final grade), the student is allowed to redo those components (project or exam or both) of the evaluation for which they did not obtain at least 50% of the respective points. They will keep the points for the component that they passed (if any). The same weights as in the June session are applied for the calculation of the final grade.
Both sessions: The professor may request a student to go through an additional oral exam as a complement of the exam and/or of the project activities, in cases including, but not limited to, technical issues, or suspicion of irregularities.
Other information
Background :
- LINFO1122 : Program design
- LINFO1121 : High-level programming language, algorithmics and data structures
- LINFO1101 : Logic and discrete structures
- LINFO1252: Computer systems
Online resources
Teams and/or Moodle
Faculty or entity