Introduction to simultaneous interpreting Dutch > French

lintp2603  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Introduction to simultaneous interpreting Dutch > French
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
15.0 h + 30.0 h
Van Cleven Johan (coordinator);
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 /
The LINTP2603 course "Introduction to simultaneous interpreting from Dutch into French" is based on the "Fundamentals of Interpreting" course and is linked to the consecutive interpreting courses; it aims to provide students with an initial foundation of skills in simultaneous interpreting into French.
One of the first objectives of this course, at the beginning of the second term of block 1, is to teach the student to manage the often overlapping times of listening, memorizing and speaking in simultaneous interpreting; it is also to enable him/her, through short exercises, to find his/her personal balance between listening and speaking volume, and to master the tools that equip his/her booth.
The student will then be confronted with various types of situational exercises which, depending on the case, will focus on different aspects of the techniques to be used in simultaneous interpreting in order to make the transfer of the message quick and efficient. The student will be given various exercises and then speeches in Dutch on general subjects of increasing length and complexity.  The choice of speeches will focus on topical issues in one or two themes: politics, economics, science or culture, with the aim of developing the student's knowledge of both the topics and the management of the associated terminology/phraseology.
In the framework of this course, particular attention is paid to the following objectives: to enable the student to 1) mobilize his/her ability to listen to and analyze the speech in depth in order to identify its structure, logical links and sequences, to capture its essence, to distinguish the essential from the accessory, to integrate perspective-taking 2) render the message thus understood in a coherent and structured manner in correct, precise and fluent French, adapted to the register of the speech delivered in Dutch.
The exercises proposed will also enable the student to further improve his or her understanding of Dutch or variants of the language used in the world, to work on social and current affairs topics and to reinforce his or her mastery of the lexicon, syntax and phraseology of French.
Teaching methods
Face-to-face course with the possibility of distance learning.
Evaluation methods
Continuous formative assessment (not graded) and certificative assessment (examination) at the end of the term.
Examination :
  • 1st session : June ;
  • 2nd session : August/September.
The grade for the certification assessment (examination) is deliberated and determined collegially by the two teachers who give this course.
Other information
Other assignments (reading and others) will be given in class.
Online resources
  • Websites of Dutch, French, Belgian and European parliaments and assemblies and other official online references
  • Other websites and information sources provided in class
  • Jones, Roderick : Conference Interpreting Explained, Routledge, 2014 ISBN 978-1900650-57-1;
  • Gillies, Andrew : Conference Interpreting, A Student's Practice Book, Routledge, 2013, ASIN BOOE5CILGY;
  • Meta : journal des traducteurs;
  • Autres sources communiquées en classe
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Interpreting