The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
6.00 credits
0 h + 45.0 h
Kerres Patricia (coordinator);
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
The course consists of practical exercises in simultaneous interpreting from live or video recordings on current social issues from LSFB into French. The speeches used deal with complex themes, in-depth and varied current affairs and social issues (economics, finance, international institutions, technology, medicine, etc.). A variety of sources and speakers are used, to prepare students to deal with all types of situations, speakers and topics.
Students are also encouraged to practise working together as part of an interpreting pair (setting up a negotiated collaboration, blowing, support, critical feedback).
Students are also encouraged to practise working together as part of an interpreting pair (setting up a negotiated collaboration, blowing, support, critical feedback).
Teaching methods
Face-to-face classes, tutorials in the interpreting room and home ipprovement.
Students' performances are listened to and commented on by both peers and teachers. At this stage of the training, particular attention is paid to fidelity to the original speech, appropriation of the speaker's discourse on complex subjects and thematic reasoning, following the speaker's train of thought, rendering the nuances and intentions of the speaker, fluid handling of the language of expression (French) with a high level of precision, adaptation to new communication situations, alertness, tact and self-control.
Students' performances are listened to and commented on by both peers and teachers. At this stage of the training, particular attention is paid to fidelity to the original speech, appropriation of the speaker's discourse on complex subjects and thematic reasoning, following the speaker's train of thought, rendering the nuances and intentions of the speaker, fluid handling of the language of expression (French) with a high level of precision, adaptation to new communication situations, alertness, tact and self-control.
Evaluation methods
Continuous formative assessment and final certificate assessment.
Certificate assessment in the form of two LSFB>French simultaneous interpreting performances before a professional jury made up of teachers, professional interpreters from outside the course and representatives of the interpreting services of international organisations.
The final mark will consist of two integrated parts. Successful completion of these two parts is essential to demonstrate the skills and knowledge defined in the learning outcomes for the teaching unit. Passing the examination can only be achieved by passing each of the assessment activities. If the final mark is less than 10/20, only the part failed in the June session will be retaken in the August/September session.
Attendance at classroom sessions is compulsory. In accordance with article 72 of the General Regulations governing Studies and Examinations, unjustified absence from a course may be penalised, and the course teachers may propose to the jury that a student who has not attended at least 80% of the classes be refused registration for the January or August/September sessions.
Certificate assessment in the form of two LSFB>French simultaneous interpreting performances before a professional jury made up of teachers, professional interpreters from outside the course and representatives of the interpreting services of international organisations.
The final mark will consist of two integrated parts. Successful completion of these two parts is essential to demonstrate the skills and knowledge defined in the learning outcomes for the teaching unit. Passing the examination can only be achieved by passing each of the assessment activities. If the final mark is less than 10/20, only the part failed in the June session will be retaken in the August/September session.
Attendance at classroom sessions is compulsory. In accordance with article 72 of the General Regulations governing Studies and Examinations, unjustified absence from a course may be penalised, and the course teachers may propose to the jury that a student who has not attended at least 80% of the classes be refused registration for the January or August/September sessions.
- BERNARD, Alexandre, ENCREVÉ, Florence & JEGGLI, Francis. L'interprétation en langue des signes, Français / Langue des signes française, Presses Universitaires de France, 2007.
- JEGGLI Francis, « L'interprétation français/LSF à l'Université », Langue française, n°137, février 2003, p.114-123.
- LEDERER, M. et SELESKOVITCH, D., Pédagogie raisonnée de l'interprétation, Office des Publications officielles des Communautés européennes, Didier Erudition, Luxembourg et Paris, 2002
- POINTURIER-POURNIN, Sophie. Les tactiques de l'interprète en langue des signes face au vide lexical : une étude de cas. JoSTrans The Journal of Specialised Translation [en ligne], janvier 2012, n° 17, Disponible sur
- MINDNESS ANNA, Reading Between the Signs: Intercultural Communication for Sign Language Interpreters, Intercultural Press; 2 edition (14 Oct. 2006)
- NEWMANN SOLOW S. Sign language interpreting: a basic resource book, Linstok Pr; revised edition (october 2000)
- NAPIER Jemina, Sign Language Interpreting, Federation Press; 2 edition (1 Mar. 2010)
- L'interprétation de conférence au BIT :
- Journal des traducteurs : L'interprétation simultanée - Erudit :
- Interprétation de conférence - Types et terminologie - Commission européenne :
- Interprétation simultanée - Module 6 :
- Speech repository - Interpretation :
Faculty or entity