Japanese - Beginner level

ljapo1100  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Japanese - Beginner level
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
6.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Oguma Rie (coordinator);
Main themes
  • Discover Japan by several approaches  - geographical, historical, spiritual et cultural, and follow Japanese actuality.
  • Discover 3 writing systems, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji (elementary)  and master 46 Hiragana and 46 Katakana.
  • Basic grammatical structures like « I am XXX », « I have  XXX » with their conjugations.
  • Personal pronouns, basic adjectives, demonstrative words.
  • Discover and master Japanese numbers, counters (numbering particular things),
  • Basic particles like « wa » « to » « ka ». Elementary verbs and « survival sentences ».
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

This course aims to reach a beginner's level skill of Japanese language as well as cultural perception of Japan. At the end of  this course, the student is expected to master these linguistic abilities :
  • Introduce oneself or someone, talk about one's family, job and leisure.
  • Discuss on everyday topics with other students in Japanese, trying to maintain various conversations.
  • Talk about the place of objects, of someone, ask and show the way to reach a particular destination, ask and tell the time, ask and tell the price, do shopping.
  • Describe the objects and someone, talk about their favorite things.
  • Read and write 46 Hiragana and  46 katakana characters and recognize several kanji.
The course is designed for an initiation to Japanese language. Students will learn useful expressions for basic conversation, grammatical concepts as well as writing symbols such as Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. The course also aims to provide students Japanese cultural explanation as well as linguistic knowledge.
Teaching methods
The course focuses mainly on acquiring oral communication skills. Students will participate in many speaking activities and interactions with other students.
Evaluation methods
  • Mid-year exam, which consists of listening and writing, including controls of writing Japanese letters.
  • Final exam, which consists of listening and writing assessments.
  • Performance of assignments and active participation are also considered in the grade.
Online resources
1. UCLouvan Moodle page is available to help students review the contents of the classes.
2. Free Apps for learning Japanese Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji:
3. Free self-study Japanese online courses:  https://minato-jf.jp/Home/Index
4. Free website for learning Japanese pronunciation:  https://japanese-pronunciation.com/
5. Free Online Japanese Accent Dictionary:  https://www.gavo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ojad/fre/pages/home
Teaching materials
  • Syllabus en ligne : IRODORI Starter, https://www.irodori.jpf.go.jp/en/starter/pdf.html
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Studies

Master [60] in Ancient Languages and Literatures : Oriental Studies

Bachelor in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Studies

Minor in Antiquity: Egypt, Eastern World, Greece, Rome