Ergonomy and readaptation

lkine1040  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Ergonomy and readaptation
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
45.0 h + 15.0 h
Main themes
Principal themes required to achieve the course goals : - applying the general principles of the Human pyhsiolgy to the workplace - risk factors in different working conditions, and for different types of handicap; - the best selection and use of different methods of risk management in factory; - measurement of physiological factors both in the laboratory and in the factory. The objectives will be achieved by means of oral presentations by the teachers as well as laboratory and field (i.e. working situations) practical exercises by the students. This course is part of the 'Ergonomy and readaptation' orientation, and is the continuation of the course 'Introduction to Ergonomy'
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 The student will study risk management, in terms of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in the workspace. The student will acquire knowledge about adapting the workspace to the worker, including handicapped workers. All Man-Machine interactions will be studied, both during the normal workday as well as in the home, during leisure activities, and so on.
Work related risk factors evaluation.
Risk management  and prevention.
Teaching methods
Lectures and practical exercises in both laboratory and real working conditions.
Evaluation methods
Assessment criteria for each activity communicated to students in the first lesson (and posted on Moodle).
Students will be assessed on the basis of activities to be carried out: individual assignments, individual and/or group work to be submitted and presented. The final grade is established on the basis of a weighting calculated in proportion to the time invested in the activities. The assessment criteria for each activity are communicated to students during the first class (and posted on Moodle).
Attendance is required. In accordance with article 72 of the General Regulations governing Studies and Examinations, the course tutor may propose to the jury that it refuse to register a student who has not attended at least 80% of the classes in the June and September sessions.
Other information
One of the two courses part of the 'Ergonomy and readaptation' orientation
Online resources
cf. Moodle
cf. Moodle
Teaching materials
  • Les notes des cours (ppt, pdf) sont à télécharger via la page Moodle du cours.
  • Des mises à jour des notes de cours sont également présentées aux étudiants lors des cours.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation [Pour diplômé.es du master EDPH2M avec l'option motricité de l'UCLouvain]